Truthscript Tuesday: Confronting Evil – Jon Harris

The following video is from the YouTube site, Conversations That Matter

Video-page link:

Title of this videoTruthscript Tuesday: Confronting Evil

Narrative description of video contents from YouTube:

Jon reviews articles from including

  • Book Review: “Shepherds For Sale” By Megan Basham,
  • Blasphemy Of Olympic Proportions,
  • Why You Need To Read More Curiously,
  • Why You Should Read Jacques Ellul’s Political And Social Works, Sometimes,
  • We Need To Read Graciously: 3 Pieces Of Counsel For The Christian Reader, A Symbolic Failure, How To Encourage Your Pastor, and Too Busy To Read.

My Introduction to this post:

I’m posting the following video to introduce Christians to this YouTube site because it is a source for increasing your understanding about the ‘woke’ church: the pastors that bring leftism into their churches; how that influences their ministries….

I discovered this site when I was writing against Tim Keller and J D Greear because of their woke, anti-biblical philosophies.

This site has lots of videos about Tim Keller and other false teachers. And Harris’ videos, which I have explored, are not sensationalistic, they focus on providing facts that reveal the un-biblical nature of these teachers.

At this site, you will find conversations about the most current developments in evangelicalism; trends, for example that are being challenged, resisted…. For example, recently Jon Harris conducted an interview with the author of “Shepherds For Sale” By Megan Basham. That podcast and one that followed talked about the pastors Basham critiqued in her book and why.

Today, besides the bullet points above, Harris spoke on a “church finder” for people looking for churches that are not woke, via Truthscript. [Sermon Audio also has such a tool, check each of those services if you are looking for a biblical church.]

I recommend exploring Harris’ video page, as he may have podcasted on a topic that is of interest to you.



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