Transgender Woman Sues Doctor For Helping Her Transform at Age 16: Paganism, Part 34

Transgenderism and abortion are two of the most celebrated phenomena by the left, the progressive democratic party.  Their demands and protests…have caused laws to be enacted such that society has embraced these things as normal and lawful.

Yet, those who actually partake may not know what they’re getting into. Such seems to be true of the woman discussed in the following very short video.

And it was certainly true of my last post about post abortion syndrome. Those women had no clue that their lives would be severely damaged by partaking of their right to choose to abort their children.



In the following very short video by Dr. John MacArthur, note his closing comments about self-obliteration via transgenderism. I think that the woman who was the subject of the above video was experiencing that. It would seem to be an awful state to experience.



My series on Paganism addresses the huge one world movement, of which progressivism is a part; that entire series discusses various parts of this movement that are becoming manifest in our current society, based on a book, The Other Worldview by Dr. Peter Jones. Dr. Jones noted that the goal of this pagan movement, their sacrament, is androgynism. The sexual revolution, the breakdown of the family structure, gay marriage, feminism, abortion, transgenderism are parts of the whole picture.

That is to say, that the trends, tendencies, social pressures…of our day are moving people towards this end. Many who get caught up in this movement are not aware of what they are doing, of how they will feel…as is the case of the transgender woman in the video above.

I know one thing from my 15 years as a Christian that enables me to relate to the above scenario, that when I have chosen sin instead of Christ, I have expected some reward, some good thing. I have been deceived in every instance. The guilt, shame, disillusionment… I have experienced told me I had been duped again.

In my recent post on abortion, those women’s lives were devastated; yet in time, they found Christ and were forgiven.

When I came to Christ, I dragged the wreckage of my life in a basket with me to the cross. My own choice-making had wrecked my life. I am realizing more clearly as I walk with God, that He is right, He leads us in the way of truth and righteousness. We can find His guidance and a relationship with Him in the Word of God.

Hopefully, the above trans woman will come to that point too.