My purpose in posting the following video is that it provides a similar take on the problems in America, as noted in the recent Agenda Weekly posts, but from a different sector of America.
I think that Thomas Sowell and Victor Davis Hansen are two of the most sensible voices out there in the sea of irrational and socially influential useful idiots.
The following video is from the YouTube site, Thomas Sowell
The video was apparently recorded in 2010, but is an accurate assessment of our current status.
Thomas Sowell: Is America On the Brink of Collapse Like Rome?
Narrative from the video at YouTube:
No small part of our social problems today come from miseducated degree-holders who have nothing to contribute to the wealth of the society but who are full of demands and indignation—and resentment of those who are producing.
A study of the decline of great societies concluded that “disappearances of empires due to catastrophes have been extremely rare in history.” Rather, they slowly but steadily corrode and crumble from within. There is usually “a growing amount of wealth pumped by the State from the economy,” while “extravagances of fashion and license” develop among the people.
Does this sound uncomfortably similar to what we see around us today?
The following video was part of Agenda Weekly Behind the Scenes last week, in case you didn’t open that post, I wanted to post it herein because it charges the globalists and the mass immigration they are pushing for the destabilization of European nations; globalists are doing the same thing via our southern border:
Narrative from Agenda Weekly about the following video:
Watch: The Great Replacement Is Not a Theory – It’s Reality (12 minutes). Eva Vlaardingerbroek speaks at CPAC Hungary on the dangers of unrestricted immigration.
Links that accompanied Thomas Sowell video at YouTube:
Video-page link:
Playlist-page link:
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