The Wise Man of Proverbs


His Character

  • He is teachable: he receives and loves instruction (18:15; 19:20); He grows in wisdom (1:5; 9:9; 10:14)
  • He is righteous, not wicked: he fears the Lord (1:7;14:16;); he hates what is false (13:5); he shuns evil (3:7; 14:16; 16:6); he does what is righteous (2:20); he speaks the truth (22:21)
  • He is humble, not proud (15:33)
  • He is self-controlled, not rash: his temperament: self-controlled (29:11); he has a calm spirit (17:27); he is slow to anger (29: 8,11); he is cautious in actions, not hasty (19:2); he thinks before he acts and speaks (13:16; 14:8; 12:23; 15:2);
  • He is forgiving: he is patient (19:11); he is concerned about goodwill / peace (14:9); he forgives those who wrong him (10:12; 17:9); he is not vindictive (20:22; 24:29)

His Relationships

  • To the Lord: he fears the Lord (9:10; 14:16; 15:33); he trusts in the Lord ((3:5; 16:3, 20); he is ever mindful of the Lord (3:6); he chooses the Lord’s way / wisdom (8: 10,11; 17:24); he submits to the Lord’s discipline (1:2,3; 3:11); he confesses his sin (28:13)
  • To his family: to parents: respects them (17:6 contrast 30:17); listens to them (23:22 compare 1:; 4:1); he seeks to bring them honor and joy: by being wise (10:1; 15:20; 29:3); by being righteous (23:24); by being diligent (10:5)
  • To his wife: he appreciates her: as a gift from the Lord (18:22; 19:14); as a crowning glory (12:4; 31:10-31); he praises her (31:28); he trusts her (31:11); he is faithful to her (5: 15-20)
  • To his children: he loves them (32; 13:24); he is concerned about them (1:8-9:18); he trains them (22:6)
  • Reasons for training his children: his own peace of mind and joy (29:17); child’s honor and well-being (1:8-9; 4:9; 19:18; 23: 13,14); by teaching / instructing them (1:10; 5:7; 28:7 compare 4: 1-9); by disciplining them: verbal correction (13:1); physical discipline (13:24; 23: 13,14); he provides for their physical needs ((21:20; compare 27:23 – 27); spiritual heritage (14:26; 20:7)
  • To his friends and neighbors: he values them (27:10); he is constant to them (17:17; 18:24); he gives them counsel (27:9, 17; compare 27:6; 28:23); to his neighbors he fulfills obligations (3:27, 28); he strives for peace (3:29, 30); does not outstay his welcome (25:17); he does not deceive or mislead them (16:29; 26:18, 19)

His Words

  • Their power: the power of life and death (12:6; 13:14; 15:4; 18:21); the power to heal or to wound (11:9, 11; 12:18;15:4, 30; 16:24)
  • Their limitation: no substitute for deeds (14:23); cannot alter the facts (26:23-26); cannot compel a response (29:19)
  • The character of his words: they are honest, not false (12:22; 16:13); they are few, not many (10:19); not boastful (27:2); not argumentative (17:14); not contentious (29:9); not a gossip, a whisperer or a slanderer (11:13; 20:19; 10:18; 26:20-22); they are calm, not emotional, but rational (15:8; 17:27); gentle and peaceable (15:1, 18); yet persuasive (25:15); apt, not untimely (15:23; 25:11)
  • The source of his words: his heart / character (compare 4:23 with Matthew 12:33 – 35); righteous (compare 10:11 with 13:14); he is not proud (compare 13:10 with 6: 16 – 19); nor hateful (26:24, 28); his companions (13:20; 27:17); his reflections (15:28)


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