[I haven’t posted Curtis Bowers Agenda Weekly lately because my subscription ran out, it is current again. Much happened during the past 4-6 weeks; I will post what I think is of import.]
In the following video by Curtis Bowers, he explains how the left is using the above strategies and other things to collapse America; their goal is to make you poor so you will have to live on the little money they will give you each month….
Curtis says a lot about the vax strategy and the harm it is causing, based on testing and the testimony of many excellent doctors….
Records of correspondence between Fauci and other scientists, the production of the Covid Virus began in 2002 and was perfected by 2016; at that time Fauci told President Trump that he would be dealing with a pandemic….
The following is narrative that accompanied the following video by Curtis Bowers.
In May 1966, two sociologists came up with a plan to use crisis to collapse the system. Their names were Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Their first target was to bankrupt New York City by getting everyone they could on the welfare rolls. They knew this would eventually overload the system and a few years later NYC went bankrupt. Their strategy had worked. Now the globalists are working to collapse America and the world by using that strategy with open borders, inflation, meaningless wars, the lie of green energy and many other issues designed to bring about world government.
The first link below has videos that supported past Agenda Weekly posts.
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