The Rapture And Postmillennialism Explained | with Jeff Durbin [Salvation And Eschatology, Part 5]

I am presently trying to clarify my own beliefs regarding end times and am blogging some of the teaching that I have been considering.

The following excerpt is from a 75-minute discussion on post-millennialism. I excerpted a section that explains this view; Pastor Durbin also mentions numerous big-named pastors/theologians that have subscribed to the post-mill position.

To give readers some history on Pastor Durbin, his 7-minute testimony is below the excerpt. He was very accomplished in the marshal arts and a hard-core addict, ecstasy mostly.

His conversion is very hopeful for addicts of all persuasions, because it is a very clear testimony of how God delivers. [Also, I added the conversion testimony because I think it explains all the tatoos that Durbin has, pre-conversion.]

The following points are an overview of Durbin’s responses:

The entire video is worth hearing if you are trying to get a better understanding of eschatology; and in my case, I am finding my way through it to establish my own view, as much as that is possible.

  • This excerpt begins with Pastor Durbin discussing Jesus’ words from His Olivet Discourse and stating that He was talking about the end of the old covenant era, as the new covenant era was about to begin
  • He looked at Jesus words as having applied to the generation that was then alive
  • He defined ‘preterism’ which means, past in fulfillment
  • In the process, he noted that there are still many Bible promises that await fulfillment
  • Durbin explained how he came to hold the post-mill position, from pre-mill, as he answered Pastor Joel’s questions
  • He was asked about other preachers / teachers, past and present that hold to preterism and the post-mill view
  • Those include: Athanasius; the Puritans; Jonathan Edwards; R C Sproul; Dr. James White; Dr. Greg Bahnsen (an apologist); and Gary Demar [the next part will have a short video by Dr. Gary Demar]
  • Durbin mentioned the following book by R C Sproul, wherein Sproul examined the Olivet Discourse: The Last Days According To Jesus
  • Sproul’s book helped Durbin sort out his own insights from scripture
  • The excerpt closes with an account of how Dr. James White (Christian apologist), came to hold the post-mill position



The following words and links accompanied the above video at YouTube:

In this episode of Theology Applied, Joel Webbon and Jeff Durbin dedicate their whole conversation to providing the biblical support for Postmillennialism.

To watch the full 75-minute video, click the following link:

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The Unbelievable Story of an Ecstasy User

From the YouTube site, Anchored North:

At an early age, Jeff Durbin developed a passion for martial arts.

After rising to the top and winning everything there was to win, his attention soon turned to alcohol, ecstasy, and whatever else could satisfy him.

One early morning, he realized something was seriously wrong with his heart. He knew immediately that his addiction had taken him too far…

Sign up to watch this exclusive, eye-opening interview not included in the film.…

Narcotics have become a “savior” to our generation, promising temporary joy, pleasure, intimacy, and relationships with others. Individuals, families, and communities throughout the world are struggling to fill empty voids. In hopeless desperation, millions turn to drugs and alcohol to escape life’s pain and suffering. These silent killers are affecting every one of us. Chances are, you know someone who has been directly impacted by alcohol or drug addiction.

Despite what AA, rehabs, and modern psychology teach, addiction is not a disease that needs to be cured. It is a sin that needs to be repented of.

If you are struggling with addiction, our hearts go out to you. We lovingly want you to know that it’s time to stop focusing on RECOVERY and start focusing on REDEMPTION. Turning from drugs will change your behavior, but it will not change your heart or make you right before God.

The only way to truly experience forgiveness and a change of heart is to turn to Jesus Christ. He took the excruciating penalty for man’s sin on a cross, bearing the wrath of God on our behalf. However, it didn’t end there. He resurrected from the dead, and now He continues to resurrect people everywhere from spiritual death to spiritual life. This is called being “born again,” and it results in a new desire and empowerment of the Holy Spirit to turn from evil and walk in the ways of the Lord.

Run to Jesus and be saved from harming yourself in this life and the life to come. Today is the day of salvation.

To learn more about true heart change and getting right with God, text (800) NEED-HIM | (800) 633-3446.

The following 27-minute video is about how Jeff Durbin came to Christ; it also talks about his ministries.


The following words and links accompanied the above video at YouTube at Apologia Studios:

I used the YouTube link to post the above video, if it should get removed, the link at YouTube to view it is,

[I usually upload videos because YT removes a lot of videos with religious content. The two above are uploaded, but this was an extra that I don’t want to take the time to upload with my antiquated Verison DSL, it is very slow.]

87,320 views Premiered Oct 23, 2020Watch the new series called “Rooted”. This isn’t a production of Apologia Studios but we are sharing it here to direct you to the series itself. Watch as Jeff Durbin tells his own personal story of coming to Christ. Be sure to check out the rest of the series and subscribe at:…… You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook:… Twitter:… Instagram:…