The Lord’s Supper: What It Is; How It Is Applied; How It Benefits Believers

In the following 28 minute sermon, pastor Patrick Ramsey biblically defines the Lord’s supper; then he explains how it is applied, and how it benefits believers. His text was 1 Cor. 10: 14-22.

After the sermon, I will list significant points for review. Below those points, there is a 3 minute video wherein J. I. Packer encourages believers to partake of the Lord’s supper.


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  • The Old Testament sacrificial system indicated the significance of death (blood) for the atonement of sins
  • All of the O.T. sacrifices are a picture of Christ’s one, true sacrifice for sin (see Hebrews 9:12ff)
  • We began our Christian life in Christ (justification); and we continue that life in Him (sanctification)
  • The Lord’s Supper involves PARTICIPATING in the blood and body of Christ
  • In verse 18, Paul stated that Israel “partook” of the altar; that is to say, all that the altar stood for which included atonement for sins; access / fellowship with God
  • When New Testament believers eat the Lord’s Supper (LS), they partake of all that the N.T. altar stands for: forgiveness; access / fellowship with God       [we know that Christ died on a cross; figuratively, His sacrifice for sins is spoken of in terms of the O.T. sacrificial system; He was the Lamb of God, sacrificed for sin]
  • In John 6, Jesus said we have to believe in Him to have life: He was speaking figuratively and equating believing in Him with eating the bread of life
  • When we eat and drink the LS, we embrace Jesus as Lord and Savior
  • When we thereby embrace Jesus, we are abiding in Him and Him in us as in John 15
  • When we partake of the means of grace (reading His word; hearing the gospel preached; prayer; the LS; fellowship with Christians around the word; and baptism) Christ calls us to believe in Him; when we do, the Spirit applies Christ to us
  • There are two parts to biblical salvation: Christ’s work accomplished; the Spirit’s work in applying Christ to us


Please view the following 3 minute video wherein J.I. Packer encourages believers to partake of the Lord’s Supper:



In closing, I have to say that pastor Ramsey’s sermon on the Lord’s Supper enabled me to better understand how the means of grace work to strengthen us in our faith, and grace in our walk with the Lord: we are nourished.

If one does not participate in those means, then he / she is starving spiritually.

I hope readers found encouragement to seek the Lord’s enabling to partake of His means whereby grace is given us.

To hear more sermons by Patrick Ramey, see: