The Kraken Defined; The Hammer Defined; Other Bits On The Election Fraud

Brannon Howse conducted an interview with Lt. General Michael Flynn; Lt. General, Mclnerney, retired; and Mary Fanning, who writes for The American Report.

Lt. General Flynn spoke the initial 30 minutes and did not introduce any new information that was not covered in the Pa. hearing report posted in this blog two days ago.

Lt. General Mclnerney introduced the following new information. He noted that 5 swing states shut down counting when Trump was ahead, 2:30 a.m., and this was a huge “red light” for anyone who understood election practices.

Those states actually did not quit counting, they began to introduce votes, electronically, for Biden; e.g., a spike of 138,000 in Michigan; the other swing states also logged huge spikes of Biden votes (there will be links at the end of this post to reports by Mary Fanning about these irregularities).

Lt. General Mclnerney described “The Kracken:” they are the 305th military intelligence battalion, whom President Trump and the Generals enlisted to help investigate the fraudulent activities occurring during this election process. That was necessary because the election fraud is being carried out by the deep state, of which the FBI and CIA are part.

[Has anyone heard anything from the DOJ, FBI, CIA?]

The Kraken shut down a Frankfort Germany voting machine center and confiscated machines that were being used to alter votes; apparently, after Lt. Gen. Mclnerney began to speak out about investigations that were being carried out in the US, the deep state began to send votes to Germany.

Apparently, US soldiers were killed in the process of securing the Germany operation.

A cyber security operation known as “The Hammer” was discovered by Mary Fanning in 2015; that is one of the ops that was used to carry out the election fraud in the 2020 election here.

Directly after M. Fanning reported on The Hammer in 2015, the Russian Collusion Hoax was initiated in the US, apparently as a smokescreen to distract from Fanning’s discovery – her report is linked below, titled, The Perfect Storm.

The Lt. Generals believe these events and all of the hoaxes perpetrated against President Trump indicate that the deep state has been attempting a coup, and has not yet been successful. However, they are ramping up their efforts, as can be seen in the current election fraud.

They discussed the billions of dollars that the Biden family received from a Chinese source and how China, Russia and Iran are invested, monetarily and via psychological warfare to ensure that Biden is put in office – as he and many other high level Americans have become China-friendly due to huge sums of money they have received, or hope to receive.

President Trump recently installed Christopher Charles Miller as acting Secretary of Defense and fired Mark Esper; the president trusts him to conduct the 305th against the deep state.

Lt. General Mclnerney stated numerous times that the people involved in this election operation are committing treason. He also stated that President Trump should not leave office until this matter is resolved; chiefly because he swore an oath, under the constitution, to protect the USA from foreign and domestic threats.

The President signed an executive order posing certain sanctions against countries who might attempt to interfere in the 2020 election. He did that 9-12-18, because there were election irregularities in the 2018 election, which are still being investigated. He undoubtedly suspected the same or worse would occur in 2020.

The Lt. Generals also indicated that Biden should step down, as he is complicit in this fraudulent activity.

The corrupt mainstream media’s role was also noted; especially the flipping of Fox News, who is also complicit for calling states early.

For more details, see the following reports / videos:

The following link is to the Brannon Howse video I reported on above:

The following links are from Brannon Howse’s site, they were under his video:

More resources: The HAMMER is the Key to the Coup With General McInerney and Mary Fanning…

Voter Fraud 2020 and The Attempted Communist Coup…

General Flynn’s warning to America: ‘If we don’t get this right, our country is done. It’s over’…

THE KRAKEN Revealed: Proves Domestic Traitors And Foreign Enemies Attempted To Steal America’s Election…

Cyber-warfare, Team Trump, and the Unlawful Raid on Dennis Montgomery…

Dennis Montgomery Deserves The Greatest Respect From The Whole Nation…

RELEASE THE KRAKEN: HAMMER / SCORECARD Whistleblower Montgomery Gave Sworn Testimony To FBI And DOJ…

DHS Cyber Director Chris Krebs And Deputy Director Matt Travis Tied To Clapper Who Commandeered HAMMER / SCORECARD…

Mary Fanning’s report, The Perfect Storm, link, therein, she discussed discovering The Hammer:

Mary Fanning writes at The American Report, home page link:

I saw on their homepage, articles on “The Kraken;” and “The Hammer;” two military operations mentioned during the Brannon Howse video; linked below:

The American Report post on “The Kraken” discusses how the election was to be stolen:

The Hammer [includes Brannon Howse interview and narrative evidence]:

In the following Fox News 5 minute video that aired 11-6-20, Sidney Powell talked about “scorecard” another of the secret op programs developed to fix elections: 



The following news report excerpt also speaks of Lt. General Mclnerney entering into the fray to fight against, what he called the Democrats superweapon.

The following link is to that report, but I copied and pasted part of it below the link:

… McInerney claims Democrats used two US intelligence software programs called Hammer and Scorecard to aid their weak presidential candidate last November. He warned the Trump administration prior to the Nov. 3 election (Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney exposes ‘Scorecard,’ the Democrats’ voter fraud superweapon)

[To aid their weak candidate to win against Bernie Sanders.]

“People must understand that this software was used to overturn the 2020 election. The first time in the United States’ history that massive amounts of cyber warfare have been used in our voting system… Hammer is a surveillance software developed by the CIA – the programmer was Dennis Montgomery. He developed this [software] in 2003 to go after radical Islamists. Scorecard is a program that was developed for CIA. It manipulates voting booths.”

McInerney insists Scorecard was designed to gear foreign elections in favor of political leaders who look kindly on America and her interests.

For other similar posts in this blog, see Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Social Justice / Identity Politics; Propaganda Exposed.