The Fruit of the Spirit – Pastor Sinclair Ferguson

The video of this post is from the YouTube site, Ligonier Ministries, linked below.

The fruit of the Spirit cannot be artificially produced. These qualities must be developed in us by God’s grace.

Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the Lord’s purpose of growing His people in a wonderfully balanced way to make us increasingly like Christ.

Fruit of Spirit points:

  • Paul may have called these ‘fruit’ because they take time to grow and they need to be nurtured [by abiding in God’s appointed means of grace]
  • He likely used a horticultural metaphor because these qualitied cannot be artificially produced
  • That is, they need to be developed by God’s grace
  • Pastor Ferguson used comments from two different pastors to help explain what these fruit look like in a Christian
  • Having these fruit in your life is not a matter of trying to do the right thing or be the right way, it is more organic than that
  • This 9-fold fruit of the Spirit is produced in us by the Spirit as we grow in love for the Lord Jesus:
  • As our hearts, minds and wills submit to scripture
  • As our affections are saturated with the teachings of scripture and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ
  • Then we grow to be more like Him in a natural and spiritual way
  • As we consider these fruit this week, let’s pray that He will make us more like Himself

Hear more from Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson:…

Video-page link: