The Cure For Talebearing; by Pastor Cory Greiss

The following mp3 sermon, by pastor Greiss thoroughly covers the sin of talebearing via the use of much scripture; and the Heidelberg Catechism; a cure is also indicated.

Cory Greiss is a pastor at Calvary Protestant Reformed church, Hull, Iowa.

The following points are sermon highlights for those who don’t have time to listen to his sermon; these, however, are not nearly as beneficial as hearing his sermon; I cut at least a third of the points to shorten this post:

  • Scriptures read: Proverbs 6:12-19; Proverbs 18:7,8; Proverbs 26:20
  • The 9th commandment from Heidelberg Catechism: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
  • What is required in the 9th commandment? That I bear false witness against no man nor falsify any man’s words, that I be no backbiter nor slanderer, that I do not judge nor join in condemning any man rashly or unheard, but that I avoid all sorts of lies and deceit as the proper works of the devil, unless I would bring down upon me the heavy wrath of God; likewise, that judgment and all other dealings I love the truth, speak it uprightly and confess it, also that I defend and promote as much as I am able the honor and good character of my neighbor
  • The law of Jehovah God has two tables: the first gives to us the path by which we may express our love and gratitude to God directly; the second, gives to us the path by which we may express our gratitude and love of God through our love for the neighbor
  • How we are called to love God via the 5th and following commandments
  • In the 9th commandment, we are called to love God by preserving the neighbor’s reputation
  • The first application of that commandment is to bearing witness in a court of law regarding testimonies – the public way of ruining my neighbor’s reputation
  • Backbiting and slander are private ways of ruining my neighbor’s reputation: talebearing
  • Talebearing leaves a mountain of hurt people in its wake, many more are harmed by it than the 1st application above
  • Is there anyone here who has not been hurt by gossip, slander or talebearing?
  • James: the tongue can start a wildfire, 3:6…spreads from one to another like a wildfire, and the person who is the subject of the slander is harmed
  • In the church of Jesus Christ, however, I ought to be able to trust that my brothers and sisters love me by preserving my reputation the best that they are able to do so
  • God hates this sin: Proverbs 6:16ff
  • A false witness sows discord among the brethren; this is not a little sin: Matthew 12:36 we will give account for every idle word
  • The sin; the cure; the result:
  • Proverbs 11:13 a talebearer reveals secrets… The word talebearing here means one who walks around gossiping and slandering… as in 1 Tim 5:13 …idle, wandering from house to house, busy bodies, speaking things they should not…
  • 26:20: where no wood is the fire goeth out; where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth; a whisperer: one who says things they know they ought not say,
  • Talebearing is a terribly destructive sin because God created words to be powerful
  • God gave words to men as a servant of the covenant of grace, to bind together, to serve the fellowship and union of the covenant of grace
  • Words allow an individual to express what is in the mind and heart and soul to another and to Jehovah God; and in that way to be bound to that other and to Jehovah God in fellowship; the tongue and words are given for union between God’s people; for fellowship between God’s people and for fellowship with Jehovah God Himself
  • Adam and Eve walked and TALKED with God in the cool of the Garden
  • Words were a servant to this union, the covenant of grace
  • The sin of tale bearing uses that powerful gift of words to do the opposite, to create disunity; to ruin fellowship; to separate; to attack the heart of the covenant of grace
  • This gift has been co-opted by the old man within us to stir up wildfires, as James indicated
  • Romans 3:13,14, in describing total depravity, goes right to the tongue, to words, to the effect of that old man as it comes out through the mouth as proof, evidence of total depravity…
  • 11:13, a talebearer reveals secrets; a faithful friend conceals a matter
  • Tale bearers betray the very heart of friendship
  • Friends take one another into confidence, are open with one another, not betraying each other by telling matters of confidence
  • The talebearer digs around for secrets and juicy morsels to spread around and hurt others
  • “Don’t tell anyone you heard it from me”: that is, I don’t want my reputation ruined like I am ruining the reputations of others, but you may tell anyone you want to tell
  • Prov 17:9 he that covers a transgression seeks love; but he that repeats a matter separates friends
  • This sin, damages the fellowship of the whole church; it attacks fellowship—sowing of discord– expounded
  • This sin is one that creates deep, long-lasting wounds. It negatively impacts fellowship for a long time because the pain is deep, they are hard to work through, they can be worked through and must be
  • This sin is destructive to fellowship because it makes others not want to fellowship with the tale bearer; so her own fellowship potential is diminished: infamy
  • How the devil slandered God by bearing a tale, twisting God’s words and making Him look bad: “Hath God Said?” Expounded
  • When we bear tales, it is for the same reasons, devilish; the hellish old man that the proud devil himself sowed within, pride based
  • Regarding children, dynamics of tale bearing expounded
  • Christ-like love puts my neighbor above me and humbles me before God
  • Philippians 2:3, 4 Let nothing be done in strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves…
  • Proverbs 10:12 hatred stirs up strife but love covers all offenses – expounded
  • I Cor. 13: Love suffers long and is kind – expounded
  • The cure is this selfless love for the neighbor; love for the church; the body of Christ is above my own individual concerns and interests
  • Ephesians 4:1-3 Paul is concerned with the unity of the church – read and discussed
  • Ephesians 4:25ff,  tongue must be used to edify the church…
  • Put the church first; don’t let gossip and tale bearing hurt her; she is the object of God’s eternal love; his precious bride; and the object of our love too…
  • The cure is love for the church, love for God Himself; love and respect for His church and His sovereignty over me – expounded
  • Psalm 141:3 Set a watch, Oh Lord, before my mouth, keep thou the door of my lips…
  • Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable…
  • Tame the tongue Lord God, because I cannot, no man can tame it, but you can; humble me; root out my foolish pride, that I might love as you would have me
  • Because I love my brother, the church, God, who is sovereign over my life, I am not going to say it
  • Pro 10:19 When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.
  • If I am the victim of gossip, I don’t retaliate in kind- expounded
  • Finally He grows me to wait patiently with all my brothers and sisters for glory where righteousness and love abound, looking forward to that day while I seek the Lord’s help in rooting out such sins in myself
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Pastor Cory Griess, Calvary Protestant Reformed Church Sermon Audio page, for those who might want to explore his other sermons: