Curtis answers several of your questions about last week’s episode and exposes the cult of Humanism. For 200 years, humanists have purposefully worked to destroy the Biblical family, by removing the father and mother from the home so they could indoctrinate the children in their schools. The current state of radical gender confusion began when they convinced women to forgo the biblical role of wife, mother, and home economist to instead compete with men in the workplace.
My notes of the topics covered by Curtis in his weekly agenda video below, for those who have never watched it. Note: the videos below Curtis’ weekly video support the various topics he presented:
- Initial 20 minutes spent answering questions about the AW issue of last week. Excellent questions that may benefit you
- Curtis then began to explain how the cult of Humanism has attacked the biblical model of family over the past 200 years. The following topics were briefly explained in terms of how they have promoted the unfolding of an anti-God worldview that has basically become normal to us [my notes only provide an outline, not all the points]
- The patriarchy set forth in the Bible was undermined via the numerous following movements:
- Philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche and J P Sarte taught satanism and hedonism; it is the wisdom of men to use reason and experience to navigate life
- A brief clip shown from the soon to be released movie, What is a Woman
- Movie explained how the movement of feminism was orchestrated by Humanists such as the Rockefellers to undermine the structure of the family
- Feminism continued an effort that was initiated in the French Revolution and the Industrial rev
- Margret Sanger [planned parenthood], the woman’s movement; Henry Hays and the homosexual movement
- The book The Feminine Mystic was intended to shame women into leaving the role God gave them to be like men and to enter the work force
- Trans movement is merely the next step in the evolution of Humanism
- [My long series on Paganism covers that, it is based on a book by Dr Peter Jones regarding androgyny being the sacrament of Humanism, Paganism, Satanism…]
- The biblical role of men is to lead, protect and provide
- The biblical role of women is to follow, nurture and support [the above movements have caused these roles to be mocked]
- Men are mocked via such labels as “toxic masculinity”
- Gloria Steinem was reportedly employed by the CIA to spread propaganda to under-gird the above
- In the book, Brave New World, by A Huxley, the final revolution was against male, female and family
- Humanism via government schools, would have the techno state to be the nanny of your children
- Clip from “What is a Woman” movie
- Connection between feminism and witchcraft: seeking power; goddess replacing God the Father (patriarchy)
- How women’s clothing clothing ties into the above
- More than half of women are entering menopause between 30-35; therefore, childbearing is becoming impossible at an earlier age
- The trans movement