The Counterfeit Church – Wide is the Gate – Caryl Matrisciana

Wide is the Gate, by Caryl Matrisciana

From the YouTube site, Jesus Christ is the Almighty Creator +

Video-page link:

This post contains a 50-minute discernment video by the late Caryl Matrisciana on The Emerging New Christianity, the Counterfeit Church.

She explains how the new age movement of the 1960’s has since been repackaged and is now being presented as the ‘New Christianity.’

Matrisciana interviewed many pastors, authors, former New Agers… to create her video series, Wide is the Gate.

Although her teaching in this video focuses on the Emergent Church, it is broadly applicable to error in the church.

There are many forms of erroneous teaching taking place presently. For example:

  • Those that incorporate eastern spirituality and philosophy: such as to encourage Christian yoga and meditation; labyrinth – meditation…
  • The Purpose-Driven movement
  • The social gospel
  • The social-justice gospel and all the anti-Bible, Marxist ideology that flows from this belief system
  • The LGBTQ inclusive gospel
  • The Charismatic – Word of Faith- Prosperity gospels
  • The Theological Liberal gospel that excludes supernaturalism…


Caryl Matrisciana 1947-2016

        As co-founder and co-producer of Jeremiah Films, for 23 years Caryl contributed research and expertise to more than 55 documentaries and also served as the Creative and Marketing Director. In 2002, she founded Caryl Productions, which produces cutting-edge video journalism and information to help discern the times in which we live. Caryl passed away after a 2-year battle with cancer in 2016.

In 2002, Filmmaker Caryl Matrisciana founded Caryl Productions, continuing the production of her cutting-edge documentaries and the distribution of informational materials to help discern the perilous times in which we live.

Matrisciana, a well-known authority on ancient and modern world religions, contemporary cults, paganism and the occult, is a best-selling author, journalist, researcher and commercial artist. Caryl has been a frequent guest on numerous national and international TV and radio programs.

Caryl was an informative and articulate public speaker. Her topics have covered enormous diversity and reveal today’s cultural trends and social issues with a special emphasis on supernatural themes, contemporary religious views and today’s rising “New Christianized Spirituality” that has crept into Evangelical Christianity. Continue reading:

Link to 17-part series that covers Wide is the Gate, parts 1-3:

Narrative that accompanied video at YouTube:

Volume 1 Guests include Caryl Matrisciana, Jason Carlson, Eric Douma, Brian Flynn, Michael Gendron, Tom McMahon, Johanna Michaelsen, Roger Oakland, Chris Quintana, Warren Smith, Ray Yungen, and other cameos.

Video journalist, Caryl Matrisciana, author of  Out of India, interviews friends, well-known authors, and experts in this bold and challenging DVD. Caryl examines the intrusion of the 60’s and 70’s New Age Movement, steeped in its pagan eastern mysticism, and traces its morphing over the last four decades—from its repackaging as the “self help” psychology and holistic health movements of the 80s, to its seeker friendly, megachurch appearance in the 90s, to its coming out in the 21st century as “the new spirituality.”

Today’s new brand of Christianity has a different gospel and is targeting the younger generation with a so-called hip, cool, experiential spirituality, much of which is embracing the mysticism of Roman Catholicism with its ecumenical philosophy of uniting people from all faiths to work together to bring about a new world of peace and harmony.

The dangerous result of this new spirituality in the church is the rise of today’s “Christianized” occultism. It is stretching its tentacles around the souls of unsuspecting youth, setting them up for the lie that subjective emotions of “power” and “experience” are “feelings” to be held higher than an objective walk in the Christian faith, based on truth found in the pure Word of God.

Learn what Scripture teaches about the times we live in, the ways in which Christians are being seduced away from biblical truth, and the methods used by the New Spirituality to usher in the counterfeit kingdom of God on earth.