The following video is the most thoughtful and complete explanation of CRT I have found. The initial 3 and 1/2 minutes are about conferences…then he starts his presentation.
- Achilles Heel explained
- 5 presuppositions of CRT: 1. Oppressive hierarchies, 2. Ubiquitous racism, 3. Queer morality, 4. Anti-capitalism, and 5. Social revolution [explained below]
- Critical theory is an umbrella term that includes critical race theory, critical legal theory, feminism theory, and gender studies
- One: all human interactions occur in these hierarchies: therein, the strong oppress the weak via their power, keeping them down
- Examples: race relationships; gender relationships, even as low as the playground
- Every social feature is a hidden oppressive hierarchy
- Two: ubiquitous, that is, racism is everywhere; not only in color and race, but in society itself – in every structure, schools, governments…
- Three: Queer morality, LGBTQ…; traditional morality is another oppressor
- Four: Anti capitalism, it is racist, prejudiced; another hierarchy via which the rich oppress the poor
- Five: Social revolution is the way to change all the above
- Intersectionality: The obvious achilles heel comes in here, intersectionality is the tool by which CRT is applied. You need to be labeled and placed in your proper category; you cannot just be you. You need to get into your appropriate line. How is that determined?
- Subjects are categorized according to their race, sexuality, gender, class, income bracket, ability and religion
- You are placed on a grid, labeled, tagged; You are to think and act accordingly and to stay in your line
- Of course, some hierarchies are more valuable than others
- Watch for the influence of CRT on the SBC, Presbyterian General Assembly, Lutheran Synods
- In one California school, 3rd graders were required to rank themselves according to their intersectional privileges and were to line up accordingly – can you imagine the topics discussed during recess, on the bus home…?
- Intersectionality creates divisions, hostility, resentment, mistrust, fear, phobias, xenophobia, and prejudicial behavior
- CRT has no power to bring about true unity
- MLK, Jr talked about color blindness in his great speech, that all people should be treated according to the content of their characters rather than skin color; CRT advocates reject MLK, Jr’s ideas because in their system they are required to consider race; also, he did not consider LGBTQ which makes him just another oppressor
- Furthermore, MLK,JR did not advocate violence, but peaceful revolution via prayer and [fully peaceful] protests
- In his great speech, 8-28-63, his dream [and seeming prayer] was that his 4 children and all people would be treated according to the content of their characters
- We should be advocating the same that MLK, Jr did, not ranking ourselves
- Bible believing Christians have the doctrine of the Imago Dei, that states all people were created in the image of God and are therefore worthy (Genesis 1)
- That is why Christians are pro-life; pro people;
- The Achilles Heel of CRT is seen via the Beehive Conundrum: If you take a stick and swat a beehive numerous times, the bees will be upon you, furiously stinging you; CRT is that stick; it had the power to provoke and change; it had not power to make the bees go back in the hive and experience unity
- The Lord Jesus Christ’s gospel is offered to all who repent and trust in Him
The following link is to Matthew’s video library:
For other posts in this blog on CRT, see Categories: CRT / CT; Social Justice / Identity Politics