The 2021 SBC Convention | An Analysis

The following 6 minute video by vlogger, Polite Leader, assessed SBC election results: they will be leaning left:



End vlogger, Polite Leader’s analysis.

I’m confused that pastors can vote in favor of anti-God, anti-Christ and anti-biblical social trends such as CRT. Do they not understand that CRT is a Marxist theory; that Marxism is opposed to God; that to be trendy / conformed to the world, is to be an enemy of God…do they not study their Bibles?

Or, are they cowards seeking to avoid social persecution?

With this vote, the progressive church will be expanding and the true church diminishing; but Christ said, “few there be that find it” (the narrow way that leads to life).

Featured Image: SBC 2021 The