TGC compares Taylor Swift to Jesus? – Pastor Michael Grant

The following video is from the YouTube site: Pastor Michael Grant, linked below video.

I recently discovered Pastor Grant’s YT site and as I explored it, recorded some videos to post. The following video is being posted to show mainstream Christians the absurdity of The Gospel Coalition.

Furthermore, Pastor Grant’s video makes a very strong case for every Christian’s necessity to know their Bibles, as false ministries like TGC are everywhere. I believe that they are more dangerous than the outrageous heretical prosperity preachers ministries because Christians expect them to be biblical.

That was my rationale for doing the series on Tim Keller; and on several SBC preachers who, like Keller, subscribe(d) to LGBTQ and / or Cultural Marxism. Such things are very UN-biblical, leading everyone who subscribes to them onto the path of destruction Jesus warned of in Matthew 7. (See scripture passage below video.)

In other words, this is a ‘heads-up’ to Christians who are not familiar with the contents of their Bibles.

Below the video, I will list some YouTube sites that have discernment ministries to help Christians who have not yet become Bible students to discern spiritual truth from spiritual lies.



Highlights from the above video:

  • What is The Gospel Coalition (TGC)?
  • It was established by Tim Keller and D A Carson; something like Christianity Today was established by Billy Graham
  • Christianity Today, AKA, Christianity Astray by many; as is TGC
  • From the article by The Dissenter that alerted Pastor Grant to the article: there is a trend in evangelicalism to depart from orthodoxy via elevating secular culture
  • TGC recently looked to the movie Barbie for its spiritual truth
  • The Dissenter called this trend foolish at best, but destructive [of the souls of the people who would buy into such blasphemous comparisons]
  • 3 points of the 7 in the article:
  • “We were created to be seen and known…” Many feel, ‘she gets me’ …The Eras tour allows people to draw near to the one person who seems to really know them… the goy that ‘swifties’ feel in Taylor’s presence…
  • We were created to image greatness… every Taylor fan reflected her differently, reflectin her dazzling ensembles… through the ‘swifties’ the world saw Swift… like Christians who put on Christ sees Him…
  • The object of our greatest affection… seeing Swift revealed… a dim reflection of the day Christ will be revealed to His followers
  • Pastor Grant suggested we pray for TGC

End Highlights and Pastor Grant’s topic.


In Pastor MacArthur’s study on the following text, he makes the point that professed Christians are led onto the wide path of destruction in one of two ways: 1, self-deception; or 2, being deceived by a false teacher who teaches something other than scriptural truth.

The narrow gate is by faith in Christ’s atoning work and His living of a righteous, sinless life which is imputed to the believer at the time of being born from above by the Holy Spirit.

You may discover that by reading the New Testament and studying, in particular, the epistles of Romans and Galatians.

For posts in this blog that explain the new birth, salvation…, see, CATEGORIES: Doctrine; Justification; Faith; Repentance; Gospel Message; Salvation; Sanctification; Spiritual Disciplines….

Matthew 7:13  “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. 15  “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16  You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?


YouTube sites that help Christian grow in their understanding of the scriptures via teaching lectures, doctrinally-sound sermons; explanations of heresies; warnings about false ministries…:

Please check out these sites and subscribe to one or more.

Biblical instruction:

Ligonier Ministries, started by the late R C Sproul, the video-page at YouTube:

Grace to You with John MacArthur, video page:

Christian Sermons and Audio Books: CS&AB provides sermons of current biblical pastors and sermon readings of biblical pastors of the past, such as C H Spurgeon, John Calvin, Martin Luther and many more. Link to video page:

Got at YouTube, video page:

Got Questions Ministries answers questions for recent converts to Christianity, and Christians who have been running the race for many years. If you have a biblical question, they likely have already answered it via their YouTube site or their online blog site.

Doreen Virtue, at YouTube. She was a former New Ager who was converted during her late 50’s. She knows much about false teachers in the New Age, as she was one. She also knows a lot about false Christian denominations, such as Christian Science, and much more:

Her video page:

Bruce Gore at YouTube: for those who want to better understand church history and scriptures. I recently discovered his site and plan to post some of his videos on Edwards and on Dispensationalism.

His video page, Playlists:

Other YouTube ministries that I have used in my posts I recommend. Their links are in the posts.

Narrative and links that accompanied the above video at YouTube:

Link to the deleted article:…

“7 Things Christians Can Learn from Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour” By The Gospel Coalition

Video-page link to the YouTube site:  Pastor Michael Grant: