San Francisco had tech and tourism. It does not have some other large industry that pays for city services. Also, San Francisco’s bloated budget is over $13 billion a year for a city of fewer than 900,000 people. What happens when the money dries up? It already happened last year, until the federal government bailed out the city. As reported in the San Francisco Chronicle in March 2021, the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill paid off San Francisco’s deficit, allowing the city to avoid “painful cuts” to services. The article states that the bill “will erase the majority of San Francisco’s projected $650 million budget deficit over the next two years.” …When looking at San Francisco right now, does our situation look more like Detroit when the auto industry left? Or is it more like when New York City cleaned it up in the late 90s? [A republican, Guiliani, cleaned up NYC in the ’90s, an important fact to know prior to elections.]