This post contains a 14-minute sermon excerpt of Matthew 7:13 and 14 by Voddie Baucham. He describes the narrow gate and hard way very clearly; he also provided a clear biblical picture of repentance. If you were saved via the sinner’s prayer, then you will be shocked. There are a few other pastors in our time that describe these things similarly, John MacArthur and Paul Washer for example. I chose to excerpt this brief section from his 72-minute sermon for that picture of repentance, as I believe it is rarely preached in the church of our day. If you want to understand just what the way of life that Christ described in Matthew 7 looks like, then please listen to this excerpt. The last 3 minutes are a closing prayer. Baucham’s entire sermon is also posted for those who might like to hear it. I listened to it several times over the past week; it is worthy of book marking and returning to until it is digested