Just Like Abraham – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

The sermon in this post by Pastor Ramsey, examines Paul’s arguments for justification by faith in Galatians 3: 6-9. Understanding this material is foundational to your Christian walk, particularly because the doctrines in this text are largely misunderstood by the contemporary church. To put it differently, if you do not understand the contents of this portion of scripture, then you will not be able to identify when you are committing the spiritually fatal error of seeking to be made right with God by works, instead of by faith. Pastor Ramsey clearly presents Paul’s arguments; thereby arming readers to more easily see their own errors; to throw off such idolatry, via depending upon the Lord in prayer….

By Faith – Galatians 2:15-21 – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

The following points are from Pastor Ramsey’s sermon conclusion: We are justified by faith in Christ Jesus; and FAITH does not merely believe some facts / truths about Jesus. Faith is trusting Him and depending on Him to save you By MEANS of His Death and Resurrection; and Faith UNITES the believer to Jesus. “IN HIM” we are made right with God. Thus, we are JUSTIFIED by FAITH; and we are JUSTIFIED ‘IN CHRIST.’ In Athens, Paul declared that God had fixed a day in which He will judge the world [see Acts 17]. How might you be found righteous before God [be justified] on that DAY? By FAITH in Jesus Christ because: John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. [The contents of this sermon clearly explain why John 14:6 is true]