Twenty-first century evangelicalism has gone as far as to say that the concept of ‘sin’ is irrelevant in this modern age. That is an extreme position, of course; but it seems that most of evangelicalism is far from biblical quality. Biblical preachers and teachers of the faith, speak about the value of knowing God as He has revealed Himself in scripture and of knowing self as God has revealed mankind in the Bible. To have more than a theoretical understanding of oneself, one must have insight into his sin. For example, Jesus’s words in the beatitudes indicate that one must first of all know poverty of spirit after he is born again: poverty of spirit means that one must see that he is spiritually bankrupt and has to depend wholly upon Christ for the righteousness required to enter into heaven. Writings such as by Watkinson in this post, inform about sin and provide useful insights for necessary self-discovery. [See category, Jonathan Edwards, 3 posts about glimpses into his personal spiritual walk, for much more relevant information about self-awareness, observation, etc.]