Yes this is real: Congressional Dems ban terms like “Father, mother, son, daughter, brother” in the name of Wokeness: Not The Bee

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rules Committee Chairman James McGovern (D-MA) were the ones who announced this new level in the Congressional circus. I have to say, I didn’t think that clowns were that entertaining anymore, but they sure proved me wrong! …Part of the rule package includes the creation of a committee (there’s one for everything!) on “Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth,” which would require House members to “honor all gender identities by changing pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender neutral.” …In practical terms, this means they will ban anyone from using the following terms in the House: “Father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew…