Stand Therefore – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

“There are no backdoors in the spiritual life. You never turn your back to the enemy. Stand.” ―Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. …First of all, he says that Christians must not feel disappointed or unhappy because this causes a conflict. Christians should never feel sorry for themselves. The moment they do, they’ve already lost the battle. …realize the privilege of being in this great battle. Consider the captain and leader — Jesus Christ Himself. [MLJ said in his sermon, that we are fighting God’s battle… when we turn away, hell rejoices. An example is unfolding in our society presently: if you were part of ICE, then you would not be fighting your own battle to deport violent illegals, you are fighting for the President and our country. There are a lot of agents fighting the same fight with you…. There are parallels to the Christian life therein, the invisible church, all your born-againg brothers and sisters are in the same fray.]