The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago is an escalation of an ongoing attack on anyone who dares to upset the political status quo in Washington, according to Congressman Warren Davidson (R-Ohio)…. “I think for anyone who doubted that there was a swamp when Donald Trump was saying ‘drain the swamp’ now I think there’s true believers. So it’s historic.” In support of his statement, Davidson pointed out that the FBI consists of the same people who spent three to four years supporting a Russia collusion narrative based on a falsified warrant…. More concerning, according to Davidson, the FBI has wholly stopped its objectivity pretense. Davidson told The Epoch Times that Lois Lerner, Sandy Berger, and even Hillary Clinton, allegedly mishandled and destroyed classified information but avoided raids by the FBI. He then pointed out that the FBI has taken no action on Hunter Biden, despite a mountain of evidence. Davidson added, “no accountability for Hunter Biden, no action on that; no action on any number of things that they could have taken action on, like for example, targeting of Supreme Court justices.” He added it is really hard to believe the FBI is objective.