Proclaiming the Gospel – Mike Gendron May 2023

The entire News Letter of Mike Gendron’s ministry, Proclaiming the Gospel has been copied and pasted in below. This ministry is about proclaiming the biblical gospel to Roman Catholics, because they are being taught a false gospel based on works. This time, I also pasted in the information about teaching conferences and ministry publications of tracts, books, etc. The links are live to his ministry site, for those who would like to order some of his publications. 

The Gospel- The Only Hope Of Escaping God’s Wrath Against Sin

This post contains the gospel message presented by Mike Gendron, a former Roman Catholic. He was converted after having been a practicing Catholic for 37 years. His presentation contains many references to scripture and is worthy of study for anyone who doesn’t really know the gospel message or how to present it. This post was copied and pasted from an email I received from his ministry.