A Time for Choosing: A Test for Our Souls: Epoch Times Editorial Board

Some Americans are ignorant of these facts because they have been misinformed by a media that willfully withholds information. The reason for this might surprise you. There has been a force quietly at work in our country, in plain sight, that has gradually taken over ideological control of most of our institutions, businesses, media, and even our culture. This force is Marxism and communism. For those who have been following this story, there is no surprise here. For those who have never heard of this, it sounds far-fetched and unbelievable. It is not that we weren’t alerted. It was the stated goal of the Soviet Union to infiltrate our political parties, media, and academia, in an effort to subvert America from within. This process is now almost completed.This decades-long communist subversion of our nation came to a head in the 2020 election.