Behind The Scenes, Agenda Weekly With Curtis Bowers, 26 December Thru 1 Jan. 2022

Curtis Bowers identified 10 lessons we learned in 2021, these included the following: blue states are in destruct mode, many are fleeing to red states…; the DOJ, FBI, CIA… have been captured by our enemies for the purpose of oppressing those who love America…; The ‘experts’ cannot be trusted…; that the education system has been infiltrated and it is a chief weapon of the Marxists to brainwash our children…; the medical industry withheld real solutions to the pandemic and profited from death, that they intend to reduce world population and make billions in the process via selling their ineffective solutions…. Bowers closed with a discussion of new statutes at the UN in NYC and at the EU building in Brussels; those images are from the Bible and indicate that the global machine is aligned against God and His children as in Psalm 2, he tied in the Covid-19 passports to these other things