He describes how the male student was placing his hands on the girl’s thigh and exposed her bra by pulling on her shirt. The girl asked him to stop but he continued. …The boy did not deny the girl’s accusations but accused the girl of the same actions. The boy was advised “there are consequences to his actions” and the father wants to place a “Stay Away” contract in place that prohibits him from speaking to her “by any means,” including through text messages, friends, and social media. …Despite the “Stay Away” agreement, Benjamin’s daughter texted him from school the next morning to let him know the boy was there and demanding to know why she had told people about the incident. …Benjamin contacted the school immediately and demanded they get his daughter into the safety of the principal’s office until he arrived. …The boy already had a known history of sexually assaulting girls at the school and was now admitting an inability to control his own actions. A few days later, Benjamin was horrified to learn from his daughter that one of her friends had become another victim of the same boy.