This post puts discusses responses of 4 well known preachers of the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly regarding their stance against modernism and pragmatism, or to state it differently, the encroachment of worldliness and false teaching upon the church. The purpose of this post is to prepare listeners for the next post from MLJ’s series on Great Biblical Doctrines, wherein he is providing a further look at the book of Revelation. The section he discusses dealt with God’s judgment upon unregenerate men who persecuted His church. This post looks at movements since the late 1800’s wherein men from the church (unregenerate?) were bringing in worldly METHODOLOGY that carried with it worldliness and spawned false doctrines. Movements in the church today, side B Christianity; wokeness, White privilege… derive from the corruption that occurred earlier in the church. The corruption that Spurgeon, Machen, MacArthur and Sproul stood against.