…Finchem …had with him a sample ballot he has been attempting to have states adopt—and some 17, he says, already have made pledges to do so—that by itself would go a long way toward ensuring that integrity. The ballot is a piece of high-tech—yet inexpensive—watermarked paper that, although of course larger, resembles the cash produced by the Treasury, with similar built-in resistance to counterfeiting. It would also have QR codes and a numbering system that would make certain the number of ballots counted would actually match the number originally distributed—something of a first in our elections. …The speakers were unanimous in their opinion that in order to have election integrity, we absolutely must abjure machines and go back to the hand-counting of ballots. …what the Democrats have on offer—more mail-in voting, drop boxes, no voter ID—is an open prescription for corruption, and racist as well, because it’s premised on….