Former President Donald Trump on June 30 visited the U.S.–Mexico border for the first time since leaving office and accused Democrats of running a “disinformation campaign” around their border policies. …“They’re getting killed by the border, so now they’re saying, ‘Oh, we’ve got a problem, so let’s blame the sheriffs, let’s blame the governors, let’s blame everybody else but them,” Trump said, describing Democrats’ messaging of late as a “disinformation campaign.” …Since January, Biden has issued dozens of executive orders and memos that rescinded a number of Trump-era policies, while describing them as wasteful, ineffective, and unhumanitarian. …“The real question is, do [Democratic officals] really want open borders, or are they incompetent?” Trump said during the event. Trump had made the construction of a border wall a key campaign promise in 2016. “There’s only two things: you’re either incompetent or for some reason you have a screw loose and you want to have open borders.”