The CCP officials and guards have devised many torture methods to painfully coerce these religious believers—be it Christians, Uyghurs, Falun Gong practitioners, or Buddhists—to renounce their faith and hail the communist party as supreme, enshrining it even above the divine. …According to a report, the head of the No. 3 Division at the Jilin Women’s Forced Labor Camp, in Jilin Province, openly threatened a Falun Gong practitioner, saying, “We have 108 types of torture methods! Do you think you’ll leave here alive?” [If you support the Marxist democratic left in America, then this is what you are helping to usher into our country; don’t kid yourself, thinking Marxism will be different in this country; if you’re a Christian, there is no way you can support the democratic left, the Bible calls you to love others]