VIDEO 1: Curtis explains how the CIA is simply the strong arm of the New World Order. Directly after World War II, the globalists established the CIA as a secret organization to ruthlessly achieve their goals and to brainwash the populace using Nazi techniques. CIA fingerprints are on many of the dirty deeds of the last 80 years – including the JFK assassination, the 2014 regime change in Ukraine, 9/11, and gain-of-function bio-labs. OTHER VIDEOS FEATURED HEREIN: Architects and Engineers On 9/11! Excellent Must See Documentary! (63 minutes); MUST WATCH – What Really Happened On 9/11 And What’s With Building No 7? (79 minutes); Dr. Mike Yeadon: Why The Depopulation Agenda Is Real & What We Can Do About It (37 minutes); links to 5 related articles and more