The video in this post is part 10 of a 12-part series by Dr Jones, Only Two Religions. The series is from his book by that title. Oneism is a descriptor of pantheistic religions, Paganism; and Twoism, is the term he uses to describe Christianity, which is unique among the religions of the world. The book is about how to live a Christian life in a world dominated by ‘oneism’ worship and practices. He wrote the book because there is a return to Paganism in the western world, as seen in the homosexual and trans movements and more. This lecture is about worldview, particularly, how the Christian worldview differs from the other. Also how the apostle Paul dealt with oneism in his day, as seen in Romans 1. The aim of this post is to help Christians know how to witness Christ in this culture. [My long series on Paganism is base on his book, see CATEGORIES, Paganism]