Self-Declared ‘States’ Back Texas Lawsuit: Epoch Times 12-12-20

The following article was copied and pasted from my Epoch Times electronic subscription to display their reporting and concern for truth and facts.


Self-Declared ‘States’ Back Texas Lawsuit

December 12, 2020 Updated: December 12, 2020

Two self-declared states are signing on to support Texas in its Supreme Court lawsuit.

The case is attracting a lot of attention as it could have a major impact on the election, affecting over 60 electoral votes. Presidential electors are set to meet next Monday.

The two self-declared states are called New California state and New Nevada State. They filed a brief with the Supreme Court this Friday, backing Texas.

The two are movements looking to become independent of the original states. New California state Declared independence in 2018. It argues California has become ungovernable after years of over taxation and regulations.

More U.S. representatives are showing their support for Texas. Congressman Mike Johnson and over 100 house members filed a brief this Thursday, asking the Supreme Court to grant Texas’s request.

Texas sued four states on Monday. It argues these states made last minute, unconstitutional changes to their election rules. And so Texas is asking the Supreme Court to not count the electoral votes of these states, or direct state legislatures to appoint electors in line with the Constitution.

The four states responded yesterday. They said Texas doesn’t have the standing to challenge their election results, also it waited too long to bring on the suit.

From NTD News