Satanist Aleister Crowley – Sexologist Alfred Kinsey – Playboy Pamphleteer Hugh Hefner – Pedophilia…: Paganism, Part 38

The following video by GoodFight Ministries discusses the links between satanist Aleister Crowley; sexologist Alfred Kinsey; Playboy and Hugh Hefner; Professor Timothy Leary; pedophilia and modern culture.

Furthermore, GF Ministries provides basic understanding about how to repent and be delivered by the Lord Jesus Christ.

The following video is part 2 of a series of 3.

The brief second video is about how pedophila and related atorcities are playing out currently in our culture; the third video is about child sex trafficking and some of those behind it.



The next video addresses pedophilia:



The following short video (Q anon) reports on child sex trafficking:



The link to part one of ten (of which the above video is part 4), follows, you will have to use her data to find the other 9, I couldn’t relocate the entire series on one page:

All of these movements are of satan and are anti-God, anti-Christ. They are undoubtedly aspects of the unfolding of the end times that will end in the great tribulation.

This antiChrist, Paganistic movement is clearly accelerating and growing in size; furthermore, its practitioners are more openly practicing their crafts, arts, addictions, wickedness….

I have to say, that if you have previously not believed in Christ and have never read through the Bible, then you still have time to do that and possibly be redeemed from the world that is rapidly perishing.

And just because you may not have believed in Christ, does not mean He isn’t real. It means that you have been duped, lied to, blinded…and your soul is in grave danger. Death is coming quickly, even if you live to your 80s, it will be here in no time.

One second after you experience physical death, you will know with certainty that God and Christ and judgment day are real. I searched eastern religion for 15 years, quit for a decade and thereafter was born again. That was 15 years ago. Until I was born from above, while I read through the Bible, I had no clue of what I was oblivious to. I couldn’t recognize until then that I had been lost during those 15 years I sought God in eastern religion.

Therefore, if you are not born again, you cannot really know about the spiritual realm, as Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3.

Reading the Bible just might save your soul.

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