This week, the predicted red wave failed to occur, and yet many conservatives believe the lie that Republican candidates just didn’t do as well as expected. Curtis lays out the facts showing that 2022 was clearly a repeat of the 2020 election. The same states that still had the same voting machines, on the ground networks, and corrupt officials, had the same outcome, because they planned it that way. If it had been fair, November 8 could have been the greatest red wave in American history.
Featured Videos
You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.
Watch: How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves (83 minutes). Journalist Whitney Webb has worked to uncover some of the most dangerous stories of our lifetime. Her new book exposes Jeffrey Epstein’s elaborate network of corruption and power, from Bill Clinton to Ghislaine Maxwell and more. Note: While this interview is well worth your time and filled with critical facts, it’s important to understand that it’s not coming from a Christian perspective.
Watch: Illegal Electioneering For Democrats Caught on Undercover Video at Philadelphia Polling Location (3 minutes). Project Veritas filmed Democratic operatives engaged in illegal activity.
Watch: The Same People Who Lied About The Vax Are Giving You Your Election Results (24 minutes) Known liars are telling you who won the election. Why would you believe people who lie to you everyday about everything else, but they magically become truth tellers on election night?

Watch: Voter Fraud Exposed in Maricopa County (25 minutes). Owen Shroyer exposes the evidence of voter fraud in the recent midterm election.
Watch: Matthew Tyrmand Update Brazil Election Fraud (20 minutes). Host L. Todd Wood speaks with Matthew Tyrmand on the continuing saga in Brazil as communists destroy the separation of powers. Will the military act per its constitutional authority?
Articles of the Week
Read: More Thoughts on the Stolen 2022 Election by Paul Craig Roberts. For our Republic to work, those who control election procedures and vote counting must believe in a fair vote. If instead they believe in power, which Democrats do, there cannot be a fair election.
Read: How Election Integrity Has Been Destroyed In Arizona (And Elsewhere). Patrick Wood simply notes, “Republicans seek voters, Democrats seek ballots.”
Read: The Election Won’t Change Much in DC. The Real Battle Is Now in the States by Ryan McMaken. Red states can and must push back against the tyranny of Washington.
Read: The Big Midterm Lesson: Defensive ‘Victories’ On The Right Aren’t Going To Save The Country. John Daniel Davidson notes, “Republicans won big in places where GOP leaders leaned into the culture war and passed abortion restrictions. That’s no accident.”
Read: Small Red Wave, Big Blue Tide. Geoffrey Botkin takes stock of the 2022 midterms and encourages Americans to work for cultural and political change right where they are.
Prayer and Action
Pray that the election corruption that took place would be exposed. Pray that the candidates who were cheated would stand up and legally fight the criminals who stole their votes.
Please pray for the important Arizona Governor race that is in the process of being stolen, as election officials “delay” the results. Pray that the same God who parted the Red Sea and gave victory to Gideon’s 300 would overturn the election theft. Pray Kari Lake’s campaign would have courage, wisdom, and strength to overcome fraud.
Pray that the Republicans who were elected would stand with courage and resolve for the biblical principles they were elected to uphold.
Pray that the evil anti-human intentions behind The Great Reset, ESG Scores, the Climate Hoax, Agenda 2030 and globalism would be exposed to the people of the world.
Pray that the awakening against the globalist agenda would continue to grow and lead to a true spiritual awakening and a surge of people being born again.
Continue to pray for the people of Brazil. Their election was stolen and if it is not overturned, they will live under communism. Pray that God would supernaturally bless their efforts to expose the darkness and overturn the fraudulent election results.
In light of Veterans Day, take time to thank a veteran for his or her service to America. Remember the sacrifice many Americans have made so we can be free.
Urge all true Conservatives in the U.S. House, especially members of the House Freedom Caucus, to publicly commit to voting against Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House. Center for Renewing America notes, “A relatively small number of courageous and principled conservatives can block McCarthy’s path forward.” Learn more here and here. Find your elected officials here, or call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
Memory verse of the week: Psalm 60:12, “Through God we shall do valiantly: for He it is that shall tread down our enemies.”
You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.
Patriot Spotlight
“This week’s video, ‘The Battle for our Lives’ was excellent. As always, my husband and I are extremely grateful for all you do for believers via AGENDA Weekly…Also, many thanks for the weekly scripture to memorize.” –Mavis and Sam G.
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