Roman Catholicism Proclaims an Unbiblical Gospel – Mike Gendron Ministries

The title above is a summation of Mike Gendron’s subheadings below. This post contains Mike Gendron’s monthly newsletter; it contains information for subscribing.

If you belong to the RCC, then all you have to do to come to the conclusions the Mike put forward in this Newsletter is to study Matthew (or one of the other 3 gospels), Galatians and the initial chapters of Romans. Do that and don’t rely on your opinion or the words of a priest who probably doesn’t even know what doctrines the apostle Paul laid down in Galatians.

I say that because another former Roman Catholic, Dr. Fred Tarsitano discovered those things when he tried to learn about the gospel via RCC clergy.

The two brief videos in my post of the following link talk of his discoveries:

Begin Newsletter:

News from Evangelist Mike Gendron                  

August 2024

Ignoring the Errors of Roman Catholicism

Many evangelical pastors and teachers are quick to warn their flocks about the damnable errors of Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses, but when it comes to Roman Catholicism, they avoid its fatal gospel like the plague. This is shocking and disturbing because the combined population of Mormons and JW’s is only 26 million, while the Roman Catholic Church has over 1.4 billion precious souls who need to hear the Gospel. The unwillingness of evangelical leaders to include Roman Catholicism among the false religions of the world is upsetting because it discourages evangelism in this huge mission field.

Unity Accords with Catholics Cause Confusion

Rarely, if ever, do we hear of an evangelical marrying a Mormon or a Jehovah’s Witness. Yet every week we get emails and phone calls from concerned parents whose son or daughter is pursuing marriage with a Catholic. Is this because pastors boldly forewarn their congregation about the heresies of these cults but silently shy away from any mention of Roman Catholicism’s distorted gospel? It appears we are witnessing the devastating consequences of the unity accords between Evangelicals and Roman Catholics that imply we share a common faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thousands of Catholics die every day never knowing they were deceived because these unity accords have discouraged evangelism.


Unity at the Expense of Truth is Treason

Throughout the history of the church, Satan has unleashed his fiery darts against the Gospel of God. He is most successful when he seduces people to compromise the Gospel for the sake of unity. Charles Spurgeon could not have given us a more sober warning when he said, “To pursue union at the expense of truth is treason to the Lord Jesus.” This is what over 600,000 evangelicals have done by signing unity accords with Catholics. There can be no God-honoring unity when the purity and exclusivity of the Gospel is at stake. We must avoid being unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:14-18).

The Catholic Clergy Preaches a False Gospel

Any religious teaching or tradition that adds to, or takes away from, the perfect, finished, all-sufficient work of Jesus Christ is a false gospel. That is why the apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote: “If we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a Gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!” (Gal. 1:8). That means every clergy member of the Catholic Church is under divine condemnation for preaching another gospel. Rome’s way of salvation is not only another gospel, but it is the antithesis of the true Gospel. It focuses on what Catholics must DO to be saved instead of what Jesus has DONE to save sinners. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, their list of requirements includes: they must be baptized (1256), receive sacraments (1129), go to purgatory for the purification of sins (1030), do good works (2016), keep the law (2068) and participate in the weekly sacrifice of the Mass (1405) for salvation. Rome’s false gospel shuts the gates of heaven to those who are trying to enter it. There is nothing more diabolical than deceiving people about life’s most critical issue.

Catholicism Reject God’s Promise of Eternal Life

The promise of God in the Gospel is eternal, everlasting life with our Savior (1 John 2:25). Yet this divine promise is purposefully rejected by Roman Catholicism. In fact, Catholics are taught they commit the sin of presumption if they believe this promise of God (2092). They are said to be presuming on God’s mercy because no one can know how much merit is required to achieve eternal life (2027). This doctrine keeps Catholics in bondage to their false religion, which is the goal of every false religion! Only by knowing and believing God’s truth can people ever be set free from religious deception (John 8:31-32). We must warn Catholics and love them enough to tell them the truth of God’s inspired Word.

Contend for the Gospel’s Purity and Exclusivity

In closing, we must warn ecumenically minded leaders who are silent about the errors of Roman Catholicism. It is our prayer that they will expose the evil deeds of darkness in obedience to God’s Word (Eph. 5:11). We must urge them to contend for the Gospel because many are being misled and deceived by distorted gospels that have no power to save anyone. Let us encourage people to trust the inspired Word of God over the uninspired words of men. The Bible is the only antidote to the deadly poison of false teachers. God’s Word will provide:

  • truth where there is deception,
  • knowledge where there is ignorance,
  • confidence where there is doubt,
  • certainty where there is confusion, and
  • light where there is darkness.
Catholic Priests – the Modern Day Judaizers

Roman Catholic priests have much in common with the first century Judaizers who were condemned for distorting the Gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). They both uphold some fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith: the deity of Christ, the Trinity, the virgin birth and the bodily resurrection of Christ. However, both distort the Gospel of Jesus Christ by adding requirements for salvation. The Judaizers added circumcision as a requirement for Gentile believers to be saved. They taught all people must conform to the Mosaic Law for salvation. This heresy was dealt with in Acts 15 and condemned in Galatians 1:6-9. The Catholic clergy also preaches a distorted Gospel by adding requirements for salvation including baptism, the sacraments, keeping the law and good works. The Catholic Clergy and the Judaizers both:

  1. profess faith in Jesus but reject Paul’s teaching
  2. add requirements for salvation
  3. are accursed for distorting the Gospel (Gal 1:6-9)
  4. rely on a sacrificial system of sin offerings
  5. use altars, candles and incense, wear long robes and offer showbread or the Eucharist
  6. are required to keep feast days, the Law and their traditions
  7. are false teachers (Gal. 2:4)
Letters to Equip and Encourage the Saints

Hello Mike, Your “Man-made church” is “proclaiming a false gospel.” Most everything you say about the Catholic Church is totally wrong. I am praying that you will see the real TRUTH through Holy Scripture which the Catholic Church has been interpreting for 2,000 years. You have put yourself in a deep hole of pride and lies, which will be difficult to get out of. I know it would take a miracle to convert you and bring you back to the Father’s House. You are an example why Jesus established a Church that He promised would not go into error. Maybe God made the Scriptures a bit complicated because He wants you to go through His Church to accept His Truth, rather than to depend on your own interpretation of His Word.

Editor’s note: This email was sent without a name or contact information. So many people make blanket accusations and then run and hide, not wanting to hear a biblical response.

Thank you Mike! God sent me to the emergency room on 1/6/22. That’s when I trusted Jesus alone for my salvation. God used you to help me see the truth. I bet sometimes you feel like you may not be having a true impact (because I read the backlash against you), but take heart that I got saved through your ministry. I hope to meet you and give you a hug someday.

S.S., Austin. TX

HI Mike, You come to mind often since I returned to the town I grew up in that is full of Catholics. I am thankful for the amazing work you do, because too many evangelicals remain quiet about Catholic teachings that are leading many people to hell. My husband/pastor has been with the Lord almost ten years and how I wish he were here to help evangelize this community. I thank God for saving a wretch like me after 4 decades in Catholicism! D.H., Malone, NY

Hello Mike, I’m so thankful for your teaching ministry since our youngest son’s decision to become confirmed into the Catholic Church. He was active in Junior Bible Quiz and has known the Lord, but after marrying a young woman, they have joined the Catholic Church. I pray for their deliverance from this enormously deceptive web. What is the allure of such a controlling, idolatrous religious system? Certainly Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Please join me in prayer. B.Y., Internet

Mike, I just now watched the troubling video in your latest newsletter. I knew Rick Warren had strayed off track, but didn’t realize how far he has gone. And Jonathan Toumie, the actor who played Christ in “The Chosen” is now said to be some kind of “authority” on Christ and salvation, based on his interview on Fox TV. Satan is using these characters to lead people into the Catholic Church. J.H., Internet

A Plenary Indulgence for Visiting the Elderly

The Vatican has granted a plenary indulgence to anyone who visits a sick, lonely, or disabled elderly person on the fourth annual World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly. The special day was initiated by Pope Francis in 2021, and is held on the fourth Sunday of July, which falls near the feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. An indulgence is a grace granted by the Catholic Church through the merits of Jesus Christ to remove the temporal punishment due to sin. It applies to sins already forgiven and cleanses the soul as if just baptized. Read more.

Mike’s comment: Catholics would not be pursuing indulgences if they believed the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel. God’s Word tells all believers the good news! “You, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross” (Col. 2:13-14).

Mary’s Brown Scapular Saves You from Hell

Many people may not know the importance of the Brown Scapular of Mary. According to the Catholic Church, whoever dies wearing this Scapular shall be saved from the eternal flames of hell. Read more.

Mike’s Speaking

Community Bible Church

Beaufort, SC

Sept. 13-15

Mike and Justin Peters will teach a conference on Deception, Discernment and Deliverance at Community Bible Church. Topics will include: The Bondage of Religious Deception, Clouds Without Water, Delivering Catholics from Darkness to Light, and Discerning Truth in an Age of Deception. For more information

click here.

Invicta Ministries Annual Convention

Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Sept. 20

Mike will address the doctrines of demons that hold Catholics in religious bondage and blind them from the light of the Gospel. The convention will be held at the Embassy Suites.

Grace Chapel

Indio, CA

Oct. 25-27

Mike will teach a 3-day seminar on Reaching Catholics for Christ, including a Sunday morning message on Remembering the Reformation. Grace Chapel is located at 48395 Madison St. in Indio. For more information click here.

For Mike’s complete schedule click here.

Starter Kit

Includes two books, Preparing for Eternity and Contending for the Gospel, along with a DVD message entitled, I’m a Christian, You’re a Catholic, So What’s the Difference? The Kit also includes one set of Gospel Cards, and four copies each of our 8 different Gospel Tracts in a vinyl carrying case for a savings of $10.

Order here.

Ambassador Pack of Eight Gospel Tracts
The pack includes packages of all eight of our Gospel Tracts plus one set of twelve Gospel Cards to equip and encourage you to sow the imperishable seed of God’s Word. Sow the seed of God’s Word wherever you go.

All Christians are called to proclaim the Gospel faithfully and contend for it earnestly. These two books will equip and encourage you to be effective witnesses for Christ, while contending for the Gospel against the relentless attacks on its purity and exclusivity.

Order here.

Both books are also available as Audio Books here and here.

20 Video Messages

Mike’s 20 most popular Keynote messages are available on one flash drive. They cover a range of topics including Bible prophecy, Catholicism, Discernment, Contending for the Faith, Evangelism, and Apologetics. To order click here.

The Most Important Words of the Gospel


This set of 12 Gospel cards explains and defines the most important words of the Gospel using God’s Word. Order your set of Gospel Cards here.

See more of Mike’s messages, teachings and interviews on AGTV and VCY.TV

Archived Monthly Newsletters

Most of our past monthly newsletters can be accessed here.

Sow seeds of God’s imperishable Word with our Gospel tracts. May God be glorified as the harvest of souls increases. Order here.

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