The video of this post is from the YouTube site, Pastor Michael Grant, linked below. The title of this video at PGM is, How Woke is the Gospel Coalition TGC25 Part 2
Topic of video [bracketed statements are mine]:
- DEI / CRT / The Gospel Coalition
- The late Pastor Tim Keller founded TGC, he was woke, subscribing to DEI and CRT
- The pastors in this video also subscribe to TGC tenets: J. D. Greear; David Platt
- Two clips of J D Greear talking about DEI quotas
- Clip of Tim Keller talking about White Privilege
- Comments about David Platt that were excerpted from The Real David Platt Documentary
- Summary: TGC is a woke organization that facilitates the process of pastors’ indoctrination into Christian progressive ideology
- [Such ideologies fall under the umbrella of Theological Liberalism which is not Christian; those ideas were discussed in posts of last week]
- [Additionally, Tim Keller was wrong in that the Bible does not require ‘social justice;’ the Bible defines justice and requires that of people would walk with the Lord. If you do not know the difference between justice and social justice, explore the category of CRT/CT; there are a few posts on the basics of CRT and related tenets]
- [J D Greear was the president of the Southern Baptist Convention a few years back. The SBC voted to adopt CRT during their last major conference; therefore, if you attend an SBC church, your church could be a target of “Christian” progressives. The documentary on David Platt is about his takeover of McClean Bible Church in Virginia.]
- Link to David Platt Doc. Videos:
- Link to Tim Keller videos:
Note: apparently, Alistair Begg is going to be one of the speakers at upcoming The Gospel Coalition conference.
PMG Video-shorts:
PMG Video-page link: