Pleasures in God vs Pleasures in Lust: from “Ask Pastor John”

The first of 3 brief videos below is about understanding the difference between spiritual pleasures and physical ones. Such knowledge will be of aid to any fighting against his lusts (7 minutes). Dr. Piper emphasizes that as one diligently seeks knowledge of Christ, he will be simultaneously building a strong shield to use in his fight against his own lusts. That is, by experiencing the pleasure that can be had in getting to know Christ via His word (all His means of grace), one learns that spiritual pleasure is worth fighting for as he turns from his lusts.

In the second video, the young, married female speaks of her struggles with adultery, porn, drugs and alcohol that are taking her far from God. She thought she loved Him, but is presently confused and frightened about her wandering (13 minutes).

In the third video, 7 minutes, pastor John answers a question from a young man who has been in bondage to porn, providing him encouragement and a strategy for fighting.

In the course of speaking about these varied sources of pleasure, pastor Piper gives an example of what it means to find one’s pleasure in Christ. I have often heard preachers say that we are to look to Christ…his illustration shows one how to do that:



Young married female wandering from God via sexual sin:




Young man in bondage to porn:





***For further questions about spiritual warfare with lust and other fleshly temptations, search Pastor John Piper’s videos on YouTube or his site, Desiring God. At YouTube, search: “Ask Pastor John” and your topic. I noticed that MacArthur, Washer and other godly pastors had sermons on some of these topics.

***It seems essential that anyone fighting lust needs to be abiding in God’s word and in prayer daily, or frequently. Our fight is against the spirit world and we have to use spiritual weapons: faith; gospel forgiveness; prayer….

***For other posts on sexual temptation, see: categories: Lust; Spiritual Warfare; Christian Meditation