Pagan Deity Declared The “One True God” At Republican National Convention 2024

The 3-minute video of this post is from the YouTube site, Pastor Michael Grant

Pastor Grant shared a brief clip wherein the Pagan Deity Waheguru was declared the “One True God” At Republican National Convention 2024.


Video Highlights [bracketed statements and emboldening are mine]:

  • Pastor Grant discovered this information via an article on the Christian Post, linked below
  • The RNC invited Harmeet Dillon, of the Sikh religion, to give the closing prayer on the first day of the RNC
  • In the Christian Post article, an official of the RNC was blaming “all these hate-filled Christians for their response to the prayer”
  • She chanted and prayed to Waheguru, calling this deity the “one true God”
  • Grant noted that if Waheguru is the one true God, then what is Jesus, as the Bible speaks so of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • He then speculated about the motives of the organizers of the RNC

What are Sikh Gods?

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that believes in one Supreme God, known as Waheguru. The concept of God in Sikhism is unique and different from other religions. Sikhism believes that God is formless, timeless, and omnipresent.

The ultimate goal of human life is to merge with God, and the only way to achieve this is through meditation and selfless service. [See my comment at the end of this article excerpt.]

Although Sikhism believes in one God, there are many names and forms of God that Sikhs use to describe the different aspects and attributes of God. These names and forms are known as Sikh Gods or Sikh deities.

However, it is important to note that Sikhs do not worship these deities as separate entities, but rather as different aspects of the one Supreme God.

Here are some of the Sikh Gods and their descriptions:

    • Waheguru: The Supreme God, who is formless, timeless, and omnipresent.
    • Ek Onkar: The symbol of the one Supreme God, which means “One God”.
    • Satnam: The name of God, which means “True Name”.
    • Akal Purakh: The eternal and immortal God, who is beyond time and death.
  • Nirankar: The God who is without form or shape.
  • Vaheguru: Another name for the Supreme God, which means “Wonderful Teacher”.

Sikhs believe that all these names and forms of God are different ways of describing the same Supreme Being. They are used to help Sikhs understand and connect with God in their own way. Continue reading at:

My Comment:

In this point, Sikhism is like other eastern religions, Dr. Peter Jones calls their system “Oneism” and Christianity, “Twoism.” In Twoism, God is separate from His creation and is sovereign over it; in Oneism, their god is made of the same stuff found in the universe and followers may merge with this higher consciousness; they have a ‘spark of divinity’ within which enables that process, as do such spiritual activities [worship] as yoga and meditation.  For more on this topic, see Categories, Holy Yoga / Meditation; and Paganism / Neo Paganism.

Video-page link to Pastor Michael Grant:

Narrative and link that accompanied video at YouTube:

Jul 23, 2024

The Bible says that Jesus is Lord, that means Waheguru isn’t. And all God’s people said……amen!

Harmeet Dillon called Sikh deity ‘our one true God’ in GOP convention appearance as she prayed for Donald Trump.

Article link:…

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