Obstacles to owning and confessing sin

This is a follow up to the obstacles to forgiveness post from May 28 (see, categories, self-examination, Walking with God, Meditations: may 2019, Obstacles to Forgiveness).

Below the third sermon from Albert N. Martin’s 16 part series on Psalm 51 is linked. In that sermon, he uncovers many of the rationalizations, self-justifications…born-again believers use to keep from dealing biblically with sin. He also defines sin and mercy such that one can see the obstacles to seeking God’s mercy, and so much more.

For anyone who really wants to learn to deal biblically with sin to enable his journey of sanctification, this is a most worthy sermon. It is worthy of being listened to many times, as is the entire series.

In my posts on the Beatitude Life (see categories, Beatitude Life), I stated over and over again the absolute necessity of knowing poverty of spirit and mourning for sin, that these are the root of all the beatitude fruit. This sermon greatly aids in that.

Learning to deal with sin in a biblical manner is a very foundational aspect of the Christian walk with God. If you have not learned that, then you are stuck in self-delusion: Jer 17:9 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?

May God bless your efforts.

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There are several posts on meditations about sin in this blog: see, categories, Christian Meditation.