Marxism Uses Brainwashing; Coercion Of Citizenry… It Is Not Utopian In Any Way!

The content of the following 3 minute video, by a citizen who lived in a Marxist country, speaks very loudly against that system.

Many sell Marxism by talking about the utopian dream of equality, financial and otherwise, but that fantasy has never once played out in reality. You can check all the Marxist regimes of the 20th and 21st centuries and discover that truth; begin with Venezuela, there are many videos about it on YouTube.

Marxism wrecked that country in a very short time as it did every other one, and people want to bring it to America. Venezuelan leaders are filthy rich while its citizens are starving! That is how the rich and powerful bring about equality, in every instance!

The following video shows what types of things citizens of Marxist regimes have to endure. If they refuse, they are simply shot, put in prison or face some other terrifying consequence; there are no such things as freedom; freedom of speech; freedom of expression / press; there are no human rights of any kind….



The following 3 minute video is a parade in Miami, with some interviews of Cuban Americans that know what it is like to live under communism; because they know, they are vehemently supporting Trump. 

That is the difference between theory and reality. Those who have heard theories of Marxism, think it is great; those who have lived under a Marxist / communist regime, know it is terrible!



If you were brainwashed in the university to think that Marxism is a good thing, and you support BLM and other Marxist groups, then you are supporting such things as the above videos spoke against. The difference between what your university professor said and what these people are saying is the difference between theory and reality. That difference is night and day!

Marxism is worse than Nazism! It has killed 20 times more innocent people: compare 6 million to over a 100 million in the 20th century.

The solution is deprogramming; you need to find help that your brainwashing might be undone. Did you note, in the first video, it took a long time for that man to undo the lies he’d been raised up on by his mother country. 

The surest help for such deprogramming is the Bible. It is truth and by abiding in it the lies you believe will be revealed to you.

Putting truth in your mind is a necessity! The following news sources are reliable: NTD; Epoch Times; Blaze Tv; Fox, mostly.

The mainstream news outlets in the US are owned by leftists who believe Marxism is good; they want to be part of exploiting the masses via “state run media propaganda,” or so it is called in communist / Marxist countries. Those news agencies are the arm of leftists regimes, they spew out lies to support the government lies; they hide events that do not support the corrupt agenda.

If you check it out as though your life depends upon it, then the truth might become apparent to you.

For other similar posts, see, Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed; Social Justice / Identity Politics.