Many Are Called And Few Are Chosen – Q&A Response By Dr. John MacArthur

The following 1 minute video is from the YouTube site, Public Theology. That site has many brief excerpts from MacArthur’s sermons and other biblical pastors.

I am posting this response because it seems that this topic is widely misunderstood:



MacArthur’s response indicates that it is crucial to be able to assess your Christian faith in terms of whether or not it is true.

Posts in this blog that deal with conversion and the sinner’s prayer are a good place to start if you need to assess your faith: see CATEGORIES: Conversion Testimonies (see at least the two following posts: The Sinner’s Prayer; and Conversion testimony of Charo Washer, Paul Washer’s wife. These clarify the necessity of being able to biblically assess the quality of your faith; it is necessary because there are so many false gospels being taught within the church; trendy false gospels have been promoted for at least 200 years, so it is likely that your Christianity has many unbiblical, counterfeit elements).

I highly recommend the sermons of Dr. John MacArthur. His sermons are grounded in biblical truth, so many pastors today are making up their own way and leading many onto the broad road. Read your Bible and listen to preachers that rely on the way put forth in scripture, not modern trends. For MacArthur sermons, see GTY.Org (they also have a phone app); YouTube; or Sermon Audio.

I have used sermons and excerpts in this blog, by MacArthur and the following biblically sound pastors: Paul Washer; Alistair Begg; C H Spurgeon; Martin Luther; John Owen and many more; these are set in contrast to many false teachers such as Beth Moore; Brian McLaren; Benny Hinn; Joel Osteen…. The following categories more specifically direct readers that want the skills to biblically assess their faith.

For posts in this blog about false teachers that lead Christians onto the broad way of destruction, see the following CATEGORIES: Prosperity Preachers; Mysticism; Beth Moore; Brian McLaren; Man-Centered Theology; Yoga / meditation; and Paganism / Neo Paganism (this long series describes many of the anti-Christian movements that are rising up in the western world).

For posts in this blog that provide sound guidance for new Christians and those coming out of churches that taught the seeker sensitive gospel; the prosperity gospel; the mystical new emergent gospel; the market driven, man-centered gospel; or any other trendy, man-made gospel, see the following CATEGORIES: Calvin’s Institutes; Jonathan Edwards; John Owen; Thomas Brooks; Gospel Message; Justification; Martin Luther; Mortification of Sin; New Christian Orientation; Repentance; Salvation; Sanctification; Spiritual Disciplines; Spiritual Warfare; Self-examination; Study Helps….