In the following 27 minute video, Brannon Howse and Justin Peters (Peters’ ministry explained after video) use video clips to show that Meyer and Moore are unbiblical teachers.
Meyer is shown to be unbiblical via her emphasis on prosperity and word of faith preaching.
(For other posts on unbiblical preachers and prosperity preaching, see, Categories: Prosperity Preachers; or Unbiblical teachers / teachings.)
Moore’s belief that she received a vision from God; that she has foreseen that God would have her unify the various denominations regardless of their doctrinal differences (ecumenism); her belief that Christian’s words are “potent,” regarding bringing realities about “like God” did in creation, and other concerns caused Peters and Howse to call Moore a false teacher.
I wanted to add two more examples of false teaching to the list above regarding Beth Moore: 1. in 2005 a dvd was produced “Featuring leading Christian authors, ministers and educators including Dr. Henry Cloud, Richard Foster, Max Lucado and Beth Moore” and 2. she is one type of false prophet (cited by What Shall I Cry ministries, using the criteria of Alistair Begg) in my recent post 7 Types of False Prophets Identified by Alistair Begg.
Firstly, the dvd: BE STILL and Know that I AM GOD.
Although this dvd uses words from Psalm 46 in its title, it is an introduction to eastern meditation. See my post on Yoga at this site to understand my claim, as that post explains the goals of entering the silence (therein using scripture like a mantra, to stop the flow of thoughts). In this dvd, she affiliated herself with teachers promoting eastern meditation techniques which are UNBIBLICAL. No teacher claiming to be Christian should do that; many are however; and those lacking discernment are following them. (For more on the ramifications of this eastern mindset in Christianity, see categories, Beth Moore, Paganism, Part 10.)
The dvd is currently listed at $35, but can be viewed at IMDb for free if you are interested in checking my assessment.
Secondly, she was cited at the very end of the video wherein Pastor Alistair Begg identified 7 false prophets, as a preacher / teacher relying on extra biblical revelation. Among the other types pastor Begg spoke of, she might also be considered a “Cheerleader.” Please check out that post.
A chief purpose of this blog is to help readers develop discernment, but that cannot be done by those NOT abiding in God’s appointed means of grace (see, categories, Christian Walk, God’s Appointed Means of Grace). God uses His appointed means to instruct, convict, humble…believers:
2Ti 3:15 You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.
2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
2Ti 3:17 God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work.
***If you do not believe the information above, then do a google search beth moore false teacher and you will discover that many have written against her for undermining the authority of scripture, affiliating with well known false teachers…. I scanned a couple of blogs in that search data that were by women from the Southern Baptist convention that were very thorough, including many video illustrations of her errors. But there were also posts by agencies (groups made up of authoritative Christians for example).
***Two movies have been made about the sexual abuse perpetrated by Catholic priests: Deliver Us From Evil; Spotlight. The first made in 2006, covers abuse that occurred in California; the latter, made in 2015, covers abuse that occurred in Massachusetts.
These movies can be viewed on Amazon Prime or on IMDb (free with ads). I viewed Spotlight several years ago and remember that 9% of the priests in the Boston area were pedophiles; today, I viewed Deliver Us…and they reported a slightly higher proportion, 10%. In both movies, large scale cover up by the Roman Catholic Church that went all the way to the highest office, was discovered.
From an NPR report on line (I searched: Catholic church abuse payouts as of 2018):
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro speaks during a news conference at the Pennsylvania Capitol on Tuesday. A Pennsylvania grand jury says its investigation of clergy sexual abuse identified more than 1,000 child victims in records in six Roman Catholic dioceses.
Matt Rourke/AP
The heading of the NPR article:
The Clergy Abuse Crisis Has Cost The Catholic Church $3 Billion
One subheading:
Report Reveals Widespread Sexual Abuse By Over 300 Priests In Pennsylvania
I also searched for abuse in Protestant congregations as of 2018 and did not come up with much. I linked a report, just below, that indicates that investigations have relied upon insurance company payouts, but therein, context and nature of abuse is not available. But that they see a need to change this system….
***Blogger: Michelle Lesley – Discipleship for Christian Women: at her site, read Welcome-start here, to learn about her and her motives for blogging.
***Blogger: excatholic4christ (He was born again and left the Roman church.) I subscribe to his blog to keep abreast of developments in the Catholic church. He posts on many and diverse topics that include abuse investigations; unbiblical doctrine, seminars by excatholics….
***The dvd Luther (starring Joseph Fiennes and Claire Cox) gives a good overview of the Protestant Reformation, showing Roman Catholic abuses including denying the Bible to all but clergy (many of whom had not read it). The dvd is approximately $10 on Amazon.
***The book, Is That You Lord? Hearing the Voice of the Lord, a biblical perspective; by Dr. Gary E. Gilley. The book is only 106 pages, but he identifies trends in church history that have impacted Christians to date; he gives a biblical talley of the times various biblical characters (Moses, King David, Solomon…) heard from the Lord; and other relevant information. The book is a reality check that gives the reader perspective regarding all those evangelicals who talk to the Lord over their morning coffee….
*** is Peters’ website. I recommend reading his personal testimony. Click on “About,” “personal testimony.” It is about a half-hour read, but is very much worth reading. He explains many things that are likely of concern to you regarding knowing if you are born-again; whether you know true repentance…. Also, you get a glimpse of his heart for ministry. He was born-again in 2011, several years after he was teaching to audiences on prosperity preachers. He did his college thesis on Word of Faith preachers with whom he was familiar because he has cerebral palsy and sought healing in his teens…. Furthermore, he noted that he is familiar with numerous preachers who were born-again after preaching for some time. One of those preachers is on video 3 in my post, Christian Reality Check, William C. Nichols (see, categories, Judgment/hell, Christian Reality Check).