Jezebel Spirit – The Biblical Truth – Doreen Virtue Interview

The video of this post is from the YouTube site, Doreen Virtue

“What is the Jezebel Spirit? We hear the Jezebel Spirit blamed for infidelity and spiritual warfare. But what does the Bible say?”

Pastors Jim Osman and Jacob Tanner along with Doreen Virtue and Dawn Hill discuss the unbiblical nature of “Deliverance Ministries.”

“Jezebel Spirit” is the concept they unpack as they show that those who claim to be ministers of deliverance are not speaking as representatives of God and His word.

In the process, some valuable information for daily Christian life in this world are communicated.

This 18-minute excerpt was posted by Doreen Virtue from a 90-minute interview.


Link to Doreen Virtue’s Video Page:

What is the Jezebel Spirit? We hear the Jezebel Spirit blamed for infidelity and spiritual warfare. But what does the Bible say?

Pastor Jim Osman, author of “Truth or Territory,”

Pastor Jacob Tanner author of “Why Sally Can’t Preach,”

Dawn Hill former false prophetess of LoveSick Scribe, and ex-new age teacher Doreen Virtue discuss the Jezebel Spirit, the Delilah Spirit, and the Ahab Spirit in biblical context.

This video is an excerpt from a longer interview at

Pastor Osman’s website and books are at…

Pastor Jacob Tanner’s books are at… and…

Dawn Hill’s website and blogs are at:

Related videos: Why Deliverance Ministries are not Biblical Jim Osman of “Truth or Territory”

Deliverance Deception Exposed – Biblical truth about Jezebel Spirit and authority to cast out demons

Beware of the Demon Slayers – Greg Locke, Isaiah Saldivar and Derek Prince

Derek Prince Dangerous Deliverance Teachings, William Branham, and the NAR

Why Christians CAN’T be demon possessed

Note from Doreen: I have had comments turned off of all my videos since 2009 because I don’t have an assistant or moderator, and my schedule is extremely busy.

You can reach me through direct instant messages at where I personally read and answer messages, albeit slowly because it’s just me without a staff. If I don’t answer right away, please write again and your letter will pop to the top.

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