Introduction To A Biblical Pastor

The following video highlights the ministry of Dr. MacArthur, whom vlogger, Polite Leader, chose as his favorite pastor.

I posted his #2 pick last week, and was very curious who he’d pick for #1. His 7 minute video is informative and accurate; if you are new to Christianity, you will be established soundly in the faith by putting yourself under Dr. MacArthur’s teaching.

I listened to his ministry, GTY, nearly every day during the first 9 years of my walk. After I retired, I quit listening to GTY, but still refer to Dr. MacArthur’s sermons on topics I blog about.

I know a lot of other biblical preachers and you will find some of them in my posts, but I even hear them refer to MacArthur.




This video is from Polite Leader’s series on his 10 favorite pastors:

  1. John MacArthur
  2. James White
  3. Jeff Durbin
  4. Voddie Baucham
  5. Justin Peters
  6. Steve Lawson
  7. Paul Washer
  8. Al Mohler
  9. Emilio Ramos
  10. Wayne Grudem