How to Live in an Upside Down World; by Dr. John MacArthur

Dr. MacArthur’s words aptly describe what is happening in the western world today and provide insight into the culture war between conservatives and progressives.

More specifically, his words help one to understand why Christians are so unacceptable to the mainstream culture.

If you have been troubled by what is happening in our country, then you will certainly glean some insight from Dr. MacArthur’s words.

How to live in an upside down world: Dr. John MacArthur

[Many of the following highlights are paraphrased, from Dr. MacArthur’s sermon; important connecting ideas are missing; bracketed statements are mine]

  • Truth, why our society hates those who speak it
  • Isaiah 5:20, Woe to those who call evil good; and call good, evil…
  • An axiom: “a society is defined by what it will not tolerate”
  • God gave us the 10 commandments; therein, He defined good and evil
  • When society adhered to God’s commands, their thoughts, opinions, rationales, perspectives…were based upon God’s word, righteousness
  • When they began to reject God and His word, they veered off the path of righteousness and began to live as the apostle described in Romans 1
  • Thereafter, the ‘modern self’ was born: man began to believe himself the sovereign ruler of his own life; individuality and autonomy, e.g., became the new buzz words to describe the progressive, self-governed man
  • [During the age of reason and the enlightenment period, man began to believe he could create an earthly utopia; Marxism was seemingly born out of and fueled this belief, so did scientific accomplishments – WWI and WWII, proved to them that they erred when they indulged in such lofty speculations; however, many progressives continue down the road of self, refusing to return to God]
  • The biblical worldview and biblical standards began to crumble
  • [God alone defines reality and those who accept His statements about it may also grow in correct understanding of it, but those who are wise in their own eyes, veer off into the realm of foolishness, see Romans 1, Proverbs…]
  • God’s commands teach man how he might honor God and other humans, that is, selflessness; those progressives who continue to walk the way of self, are chiefly concerned with indulging their lusts for power; autonomy; and every other lust that the Bible attributes to fallen man
  • [Selfishness is the root of all sin; out of it flows pride, and every kind of sinful indulgence; in our fallen state, our own minds and hearts generate all kinds of lusts, and as rulers of our own lives, we make it our business to satisfy these]
  • Thereby, the moral ways formerly taught and encouraged by God’s commands, are now cast behind us for new immoral, sensual [self-degrading] ways
  • Conduct that God defined as sinful and evil, is now seen as right; such that laws are written to uphold it
  • Since our new king has come into power, LGBTQ concerns have been given highest priority
  • Those who disagree are labeled: domestic terrorists; extremists; homophobic; transphobic…
  • Those who desire to follow the righteous ways outlined in the Bible, are deemed to be worthy of silencing, doxi, etc., [they are not like ‘modern progressive man’ and must be squashed]
  • The king and the kingdom of lies will not tolerate truth
  • Truth is now labeled ‘hate speech,’ to create theatre about that, a fence was installed in the capital and 30K troops brought in for protection against truth speakers
  • For those who speak truth, there can be no civil liberties, no freedom of speech
  • They are accused of invading ‘safe spaces’ and triggering those who are socially acceptable and partake of the new upside down truth
  • That is, truth tellers are demonized; furthermore, history is demonized, such that no past moral standard will rise up and offend the new ‘modern’ citizen concerned with progress [at the cost of godliness and morality…]
  • Strong societies are founded upon sacred truth and standards; when those are removed, Paganism takes over [see, Categories, Paganism / Neo Paganism to become more acquainted with those factors in this society and the western world which stand in direct opposition to God’s truth]
  • A modern example of the aforementioned: in 2013, the supreme court struck down the defense of marriage act and opened the door to homosexuality, declaring that religious objections to it were based on hate
  • God has been relegated to his own tiny sector of the USA, inside the church building; man otherwise rules in society
  • Blasphemy and immorality are protected by legislation
  • Perversion is being normalized
  • All dissent must be cancelled [as in every communist, Paganistic country]
  • Media and social media are the chief cancellers
  • 2 Corinthians 10:3 though we’re human, we cannot war via human strategies; our weapons are not human, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses…
  • Fortresses: massive stone edifices; ideologies; ideas; philosophies; speculations; lies – every anti-God, antiChrist idea; every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God
  • Christians are responsible for assaulting the fortresses of lies; for smashing every idea raised up against the knowledge of God
  • We are charged with the responsibility of turning people from believing in lies via witnessing truth to them
  • The threat Christians pose to this upside down culture is becoming more clear
  • That is why Christians are not tolerable (a series of scriptures referenced)
  • 1 Peter 2: 9 and 10 …we are a chosen race, a holy priesthood…that we might proclaim His excellencies for saving
  • Proclaiming God’s excellencies is intolerable in the kingdom of lies – we are therefore, intolerable
  • We are to conduct ourselves in a godly manner even if slandered, persecuted…
  • 1 Timothy 2 Paul called Christians to pray for kings and for all in authority
  • Truth must be proclaimed; we cannot compromise truth, hide it, soften it; 2 Timothy 2: 22-26
  • Flee youthful lusts; pursue righteousness…call on the Lord with a pure heart. Don’t get involved in arguments ; refuse foolish speculations, quarrels
  • Be kind, able to teach [know the word] patient when wronged
  • Revelation 1:5  Jesus, the faithful witness is our model – the ruler of the kings of earth…He made us to be a kingdom of priests

The following appears to be a 20 minute excerpt of a MacArthur sermon, posted by Walking In Truth Ministries:



The following link is to Dr. MacArthur’s sermon. You will find related, much longer sermons nearby:

For other posts in this blog that addresses our modern Paganistic culture, see Categories: Paganism / Neo Paganism; Social Justice / Identity Politics.

For posts that describe the biblical Christian life, see Categories: True Kingdom Citizen; Beatitude Life.