How the Online Pornography Epidemic Is Creating a Generation of Dopamine Addicts: Clare Morell – Epoch Times: American Thought Leaders

The following 55 second video teaser is from American Thought Leaders, Epoch Times at Rumble. There is a link to view the entire 45-minute video freely, but you will have to establish a free account by giving email address.

Highlights for the initial 33 minutes of the 45-minute interview are listed below this video teaser:

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Highlights from initial 33 minutes of full interview:

  • They opened by briefly discussing Thomas Crooks, that he had done a search for pornography before he attempted to assassinate former President Trump
  • Children don’t have to look for porn, it finds them on social media
  • Viewing porn causes the neurotransmitter dopamine to be secreted
  • The dopamine hits that kids get from viewing porn rewrites their brains by creating neural pathways for the release of dopamine
  • Dopamine is a pleasure hormone, but it actually creates craving which encourages repetition of the behavior that caused it to be released
  • The online interactive sexual experiences that children are being exposed to, are extremely violent, eliciting dopamine responses
  • Not only does the release of dopamine become addictive, it causes craving for more of the same
  • Simultaneously, normal everyday experiences no longer elicit responses they once did
  • The aforementioned scenario is a current stealth public health crisis
  • It is a crisis because children’s brains are not fully developed until age 25
  • Dopamine addiction occurs more easily in children; their bodies and brains undergo harmful changes; and their capacity to relate to others is diminished
  • Furthermore, addictions developed in childhood are much more difficult to break in adulthood
  • 73% of teens, 13-17, have viewed porn online
  • More than half experienced viewing porn by age 13
  • Average age of the first experience is 12
  • Currently, the first cell phone is acquired at age 10; therefore, we can expect 10 to be the average age of the first experience of viewing porn
  • Most children experience porn accidentally the first time, by clicking on a link by mistake
  • Kids have their phones in pocket all day, thus, it is easy to get a dopamine fix when the craving hits
  • Historically, this is unprecedented
  • In the past, children would have had to acquire a magazine… to view porn; it is not at their fingertips 24-7-365
  • Porn performers are using social media sites to recruit new users
  • Big Porn is preying on the natural curiosity of kids
  • Therefore, kids have all kinds of access to adult content before their minds are capable of responding responsibly
  • Even adults have not had access to such massive amounts of adult content at other times in history
  • Technological advances and the resourcefulness of “Big Porn” have created this scenario
  • Children are even less prepared to deal with the onslaught of adult content because the dopamine hits they receive have impaired development of their prefrontal cortex
  • The reward center of the brain is overtaking the prefrontal cortex – it is responsible for the area of emotions and self-control
  • Examples: Snapchat or Tic Toc, are full of sexualized content
  • The way social media is designed is that ‘likes’ and ‘followers’ are incentives that cause small dopamine releases in kids
  • If a kid knows that a sexy picture will net more likes, then, that is done
  • The incentives that Big Tech has established, getting likes and acquiring followers, move kids to do what is called for; that is ‘normal’ behavior for social media
  • That such behavior causes the experience of addictive dopamine hits, keeps kids locked into the system that Big Tech and Big Porn have created
  • Parental controls cannot regulate a kid’s behavior once he or she opens an app; the links inside the app are still functional
  • Having a smart phone with lots of apps equates to 100s… of portals into the world of porn
  • Since this problem needs dealt with at the root, much time is being spent getting better laws passed for the protection of kids
  • Usually the highest trending content on social media is the most novel, sexual, or violent
  • Algorithms pick up what people are liking, lingering over, watching… and quickly feed the user more of the same
  • Big Porn makes porn free and earns money via ads; they attempt to draw users in to purchasing premium services at that same time
  • The engines of Big Porn and Big Tech are predatory, something like the alcohol and tobacco industries were; we have regulated them for a long time; we must regulate Big Porn for our kids sakes
  • That is, since Big Porn has been designed to prey on our weaknesses, we ought to be willing to take them on to limit or shut down their access
  • Both are considered pleasure hormones; however, dopamine creates craving and a desire to repeat the experience that released it
  • Oxytocin comes from real-life interactions such as eye contact, physical touch; it is the hormone that bonds us to other people: mothers to their babies; spouses to one another; friends to friends…
  • [That had to be one of the problems with the extended lockdowns we experienced during the pandemic]
  • Interactions in the online world do not produce oxytocin, only dopamine
  • Interactions in the online world are more superficial [selfish]
  • Every like or new follower gives a hit of dopamine
  • Screen time limits do not help reduce the craving for more dopamine releases; the child is still thinking about that virtual world until he / she returns for another fix
  • There is never any satisfaction; the online viewing is never enough
  • [In AA, there is a saying that describes this scenario: “one is too many and a thousand is not enough” meaning that if one feeds the addiction anything it will make strong demands for more but will never be satisfied]
  • When this generation of dopamine addicted youth comes of age, what will the future of our country be like?
  • Long-term studies on happiness indicate that the #1 factor in determining whether or not an adult will experience happiness, success and life satisfaction, is the development of self-control during their childhood
  • That is, they developed the ability for delayed gratification as children
  • Social media and online porn undermine that ability;
  • That is, social media and online porn hamper one’s ability to experience happiness and satisfaction in the future
  • [Cravings for immediate gratification; the lack of relationships and the potential oxytocin experiences that might derive from them; the progressive nature of addiction, drawing one deeper and deeper searching satisfaction… contribute to a shallow life that lacks the above]
  • The premise that these technologies must be part of childhood is wrong
  • Clare Morell described the purpose of her soon to be published book, The Tech Exit; manifesto for freeing our kids
  • Therein she pleads with parents to push the smart phones and social media out of the realm of childhood; she provides examples of families that have done this and are flourishing [my post from yesterday describes one such family]
  • She also calls schools to eliminate all screens; some have done so

Something that was overlooked, in my opinion, was the pornographic nature of the drag queen shows to which children are being exposed. It doesn’t fit neatly into the above rationale, but is certainly pornographic and harmful to the wellbeing of children.

Narrative that accompanied the above video teaser at Rumble:

One of the last things that Thomas Crooks reportedly searched for on the internet before he tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was prnography. It’s brought the taboo issue of prn addiction back into the limelight.

“What we have to understand about p*rnography is that it literally rewires the brain,” says Clare Morell, senior policy analyst at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “Their prefrontal cortex—which is that part of our brain responsible for our self control, our impulse control, emotional regulation—isn’t fully developed till the age of 25.”

Morell is an advocate for child protection and a leading voice in the conversation about digital safety. She’s also the author of the forthcoming book, “The Tech Exit: A Manifesto for Freeing Our Kids,” which looks at the disastrous effect that p*rnography and other violent and sexual online content has had on society.

“Kids don’t even need to go looking for it anymore. It finds them on social media,” says Morell.

Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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