How Can the USA Learn From Belgium’s Current Medical and Political Problems?

The following 11 minute video is about problems Belgium is having because the CCP is carrying out its Belt and Road Initiative via their major seaport.

America has been infiltrated by the CCP: its colleges; the NBA; the Security agencies in DC; politicians….

They are having success in America because they are purchasing loyalties; and mankind has a problem with greed….

News agencies such as The Epoch Times; NTD; and Fox News report on these problems; many news agencies are owned by liberal leftists that sympathize with the CCP, so voters cannot get necessary information from them such that they might cast an informed vote for America and against communism.

The following video gives all the necessary warning signs for those voting Americans that want to continue living in a free nation:



The following 4 minute video shows maps and strategies that the CCP is employing via a long-term plan to influence the global community; their Belt and Road Initiative:



Study Recommendations:

For posts in this blog that identify communist sympathizers, see Categories: Propaganda Exposed.

The chief post in that category that identifies government agencies, politicians and fake news agencies that sympathize with the CCP, is the SPYGATE POST on page two of that category.