Has America Forgotten God? Agenda Weekly 10-12-24

This post contains Curtis Bowers’ weekly video assessment.

Curtis Bowers’ purpose via Agenda Weekly is to reveal the agenda of the Marxist left as it unfolds by way of current events. You may subscribe for $5 at Agendaweekly.com

The message of this week’s video reminded me of a John MacArthur sermon in that Curtis’ assessment of the ills of America were shown to be consequences of our turning from God to trust in man.

God causes a nation to rise or fall based on the views / actions of a people towards Him.

Curtis gave many specifics and he called Christians to repent….

I found the video very encouraging and it is certainly grounded in truth. If you are looking for peace of mind, then his video points to where it can be found, by trusting in God and taking your concerns to Him, knowing that He controls all things in His universe.

The following narrative accompanied his video at Rumble:

Americans are prone to get caught up in the game of left vs. right and Blue team vs. Red team. Unfortunately, Satan uses this game to sidetrack us from the real battle: good vs. evil. Whittaker Chambers said that there are only two choices: God or man. When we believe man is the solution to our problems, we deny the power of God. When we are fearful, we become desperate, and desperation creates the conditions for us to accept solutions that sound good, but ultimately lead to destruction.

Below the video, are four related article links, please check to see if any are of interest to you.

Articles of the Week

Read: 1 in 3 Homeschooled by 2030 as 16 Million Flee Public School, Forecast Finds by Alex Newman. “The ongoing exodus from government schools continues to gather momentum.”

Read: Government Can’t Fix Our Food and Farms by Joel Salatin. “Big government creates big institutions; you cannot preserve small businesses in a big government environment.”

Read: The Christian Case for Voting for Trump by Rebecca Weber. “A vote for Trump is a vote to better protect Christians, safeguard our children, advance a culture of life, and restore American sovereignty.”

Read: “Men Have Forgotten God” Speech. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s 1983 warning to America.

Some other videos from Agenda Weekly will be posted separately.

Featured Image:  publicdomainpictures.net

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