This sermon is the most thorough sermon I’ve heard on justification by faith alone. He also says a lot about sanctification. I recommend note taking if your understanding of these doctrines is weak.
Sermon points:
- Luke 18:14; Romans 3:20-28
- Justification by faith alone was a Protestant Reformation high point
- It is the gospel and / or synonymous with the gospel
- Justification by faith is the greatest antidote to heresy
- 85% of protestants cannot define justification
- Pentecostals look for a second blessing, something beyond justification, something higher, there is nothing higher
- Sanctification is the ongoing discovery of the glory and power and comprehensiveness of justification by faith alone
- The parable of the Publican and the Pharisee was told by Jesus
- Going Home Justified: Three related thoughts: 1)a merciful foundation, 2) a joyous experience, 3) a general rule
- The despised Publican went home justified; the esteemed Pharisee went home Not justified
- Justification: acquitted in the courtroom of God with a right to eternal life
- Forgiveness of sin is only the half of it; Christ’s righteousness is also imputed to the sinner, meriting eternal life: Christ’s active and passive obedience explained
- Foundation of Justification is Jesus Christ and His blood
- What role has faith? Explained
- Errors taught about the role of faith, explained
- How the sinner is UNITED to the Lord Jesus Christ
- Assurance; types, experiences…explained
- Benefits of Justification enumerated
- The mercy the Publican received; the humbling – from God, carefully explained
- Sanctification carefully explained
- Question: Do you think more of yourself now than you did five years ago? [regarding your walk with the Lord]. If you said yes, then Dr. Beeke would be questioning your entire conversion: rationale carefully explained
- Two Thoughts: 1) a fundamental problem regarding the source of the humiliation, 2) a fundamental truth that should guide us in evangelization and preaching: the warrant of faith and the way of faith carefully explained
- Two groups of people deny either one or the other of the above truths: the hyper Calvinist; the Arminian
- Where are you today? Will you put your hope only in Christ or look to something in yourself?
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For a different perspective of the above, consider purchasing the dvd, Luther with Joseph Fiennes and Claire Cox. In an hour and a half, you will have a foundational understanding of the Protestant Reformation, the setting from which the doctrine of justification was rediscovered to Christendom.
For other posts on justification, see Categories, Justification; New Christian Orientation.